
发布 2022-02-22 13:56:28 阅读 5406


i. 听辨单词 (words) (共5小题,计5分)


ii. 问句应答 (responses) (共5小题,计5分)

iii. 对话理解 (dialogues) (共10小题,计10分)

a) 听五组小对话,选择描述正确的**回答问题。每组对话读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)

b) 听一组长对话,根据其内容选择最佳选项回答下列各题。对话读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)

iv. 短文理解 (passages) (共10小题,计10分)

a) 听短文,根据其内容选择最佳选项回答问题。短文读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)

b) 非选择题:听短文,根据其内容完成下面的**。短文读两遍。(答案写在答题纸上)


i. 选择填空 (vocabulary and structure) (共20小题,计20分)

a) 选择能够替换划线部分的最佳选项。(答案涂在答题纸上)

31. finally, he thanked them and went back to his village in the evening.

a. at last b. then c. next d. at least

32. lily is very happy because she is off today.

a. really busy b. working hard c. not at work d. on business

33. this basket is too he**y for me to carry. could you please give me a hand?

a. look at me b. help me

c. lend me your basket d. h**e a rest

34. did they h**e a great time at ann's birthday party last night?

a. enjoy themselvesb. go on a picnic

c. help themselves d. h**e no trouble

35. i h**e lots of honey but few apples, so give me some apples, please.

a. many b. much c. a littled. a lot

b) 选出下列各题的最佳选项。(答案涂在答题纸上)

36. she began to study englishthe age of ten and now she can write a letterenglish.

a. on; at b. in; on c. at; for d. at; in

37. —did you do well in yourhistory exam?

not too bad. i gotb”.

a. /an b. the; a c. /a d. a; the

38. i like fruit salad very much. can you tell me howit?

a. bought b. eating c. will i h**e d. to make

39. —what was the date yesterday?

it was

a. wednesday b. a fine day c. 4th april d. a cloudy day

40. the famous writer would like totime in the beautiful countryside.

a. spend b. cost c. take d. pay

41. —did she play basketball yesterday afternoon?

no, she

a. goes shopping b. visited her aunt

c. will stay at home d. is doing some cleaning

42peoplewalking along the beach.

a. a small number of; is b. the number of; are

c. a number of; are d. the number of; is

43. —it's very latetake a taxi?

good idea.

a. would you likeb. how aboutc. what about d. why not

44. my japanese is not very good, so i canunderstand a japanese when he speaks too fast.

a. nearly b. almostc. hardly d. ever

45. —when you finishyour novel, rememberme a call, ok?

all right.

a. to write; g**e b. writing; to give c. read; to send d. reading; giving

c) 情景会话。(答案涂在答题纸上)

46. —what does your cousin look like?

can he play volleyball?

of course.

a. he is a studentb. he likes bananas very much

c. he is tall and thin d. he went fishing this morning

47. —dad, i'm not sleeping well these days.

ok, i'll do that.

a. that sounds like a good idea

b. really? you'd better go to the doctor

c. i really want to win the prize

d. i am glad to hear that

48. —let's go skating this afternoon.

that's too bad. maybe another time.

a. i'd like to, but i h**ea lot of things to do

b. you just need this football

c. the sports car is very expensive

d. great, skating is my f**orite sport

49. —it's chips for lunch

not fish again, please, and we had chicken last night.

well, let's h**e beef and vegetables.

a. how is the weather b. what would you like with them

c. what time is it d. how was your holiday

50. —are you taking the train to scotland, wendy?

no, i'm driving there. it's cheaper.


镇教研字 2011 21号。关于参加 2011年全国中学生英语能力竞赛 的通知。各中学 根据商洛市教育学会 商教会字 2011 05号 文件通知精神,为推进新一轮课程改革,落实教育部关于外语测试与评估的改革精神,激发广大师生教与学的积极性,拟定于2011年11月至12月参加 2011年全国中学生英语...


2008年全国中学生英语能力竞赛 nepcs 决赛。初三年级组试题参 听力部分 共四大题,计30分 i.sentences 句子理解 1 5 dcbda ii.responses 句子应答 6 10 dacdc iii.dialogues 对话理解 a 11 15 bbadc b 16 20 cea...


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