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听力部分 四年级英语竞赛。

听力部份。一、 听读句子,选出句子中含有的信息。(分)

)1 a. 25b. 35c. 45

)2 a. strongb. shortc. cute

)3 a. readb. readyc. really

)4 a. singb. singingc. song

)5 a. present b. personc. pupil

)6 a. childb. childsc. children

)7 a. hasb. h**ec. h**ing

)8 a. play tennis b. playing basketball c. playing football

)9 a. painting some pictures b. paint pictures c. painting a picture

)10 a. fishing in the see b. fishing in the sea c. fishing in a three


例:rose nose

1. lightwatch


四. 听句子选择适当的答语.

) 1. a. i’m ok, thanksb. i’m 10.

c. i’m zhang yulingd. i’m a pupil.

) 2. a. i’m ok, thanksb. i’m 10.

c. i’m zhang yulingd. i’m a pupil.

) 3. a. i’m 11b. happy birthday.

c. there are 11d. thank you.

) 4. a. i’m 11b. happy birthday.

c. there are 11d. thank you.

) 5. a. they’re singingb. they are in the sea.

c. he looks youngd. they look young.

五. 听短文选择适当的答案。

1. whose birthday is it today?

a. it’s janet’s birthdayb. it’s xiaoling’s birthday.

c. it’s mr webb’s birthday. d. it’s mrs webb’s birthday.

2. where are xiaoling and janet?

a. at schoolb. at janet’s home.

c. at xiaoling’s homed. in a restaurant(餐馆).

3. which present is from xiaoling?

a. the bookb. the doll.

c. the scarfd. the computer game.

4. how old is xiaoling?

a. 10 b. 11. c. 12. d. 13.

5. how old is janet?

a. 10 b. 11. c. 12. d. 13.

六、 听读句子三次,写出句子所缺的单词。

today is , mr brown’s family is very free today . everyone can enjoy their life today . look , mr brown is on the sofa and .

mrs brown is games with her little son jimmy . tom isn’t at today . he is playing table tennis in the .

and their little dog is too . because he can h**e a good today .

笔试部分。七、单词应用 (共25题,计25分)


thanks for your help.

b: you’r welcome.

a. never mind. b: that’s all right. c: all right. d: not at all.

32. my lttle brother is very clever.

a: smart b: bright c: lovely d: ugly

33. what a terrible picture!

a: horrible b: horrific c:beautiful d: dreadful

34. i think my mother is great in my heart.

a: good b:kind c: patient d: tired


cook.a: good b: good friend c: see you d: look

lost (丢失)her money,she is unhappy.

a: sad b: happy c: well d: fine

37. the weak woman is seriously ill in hospital.

a: well b: sick c: good d: great

duck is quite ugly.

a: pretty b: lovely c: cute d: not beautiful

i h**e a look at your photo?

a: get b: take c: come d: go


tim has a lovely little turtle.

a: pencil b: frog c: animal d: truck

41. i like english best.

a: maths b: china c: apple d: subject

42. i usually play tennis on sunday.

a: ball b: sport c: basket d: chess

43. we can go to beijing by plane.

a: car b: bird c: foot d: ball

44. please lend me your ruler.

a: worker b: job c. pencil-sharpener d: bus

45. my mother is a waitress and she can serve me food.

a: food b: shop assistant c: job d:hamburger

四) 根据句子猜出单词的中文意思,选择正确答案,并把答案的字母编号写在答题纸上。(共10题,计10分)

when do you usually get up?

a. 当…的时候 b. 什么时候 c.哪一天 d.几月份

i’m hungry,let’s go and buy something to eat.


2014第一学期四年级英语单词竞赛。class name score 一 衣物类 默错倒扣分 四 职业。1.2.医生3.教师4.司机5.工人6.士兵7.农民8.警察9.邮递员10.经理11.消防员12.清洁工1.衬衣4.裙子7.鞋子10.短裤13.长裤。二 数字。1.十一4.十四7.十七10.二十1...


一 根据所给单词的汉语意思,将正确的字母填写在括号内,使其成为一个完整的单词。每空只能填一个字母,每空1分,共10分 am rica 美国 engl sh 英语 chin se 中国人 thir ty 渴 hung y 饿 p per 纸 st mach ache 胃痛 h adache 头痛 c ...


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