
发布 2022-01-21 10:09:28 阅读 7012



一。 请从每组的四个单词中找出一个和其它三个不同类的单词,填写序号。5分。

)1. a. pencil b. bag c. under d. ruler

)2. a. friend b. run c. walk d. go

)3. a. blueb. ***** c. white d. pink

)4. a. dress b. shirt c. skirt d. milk

)5. a. cloudy b. hot c. water d. sunny

二。 在画线部分读音相同的单词后画“√”不同的画“×”5分。

1. maths grade2. she these( )

3. come from4. picture mine (

5. uncle mum( )

三。 选择填空10分。

)1. —is the girl ? she’s ten . a. how many b. how old c. how much

)2. that’s interesting story . a. the b. a c. an

)3. my brother very funny . a. looks b. are c. look

)4. my mother is aa. actress b. waiter c. waitress

)5. what your mother do ? a. are b. is c. does

)6. does your uncle do ? a. where b. who c. what

)7. he’s eleven . what you ? a. is b. do c. about

)8. are you students ? yesa. i am b. we are c. they are

)9. look! maria isover there.

a. read a book b. look a book c. reading a book d. looking a book

)10are they? -they are my friends.

a. whatb. whenc. whod. where

四。 读句子,选择正确的词填写在横线上。10分。

1.tom and jack h**e sixbooks , book) in their bags.

2.january theone , first) is new year’s day.

3.look! tony iscleaning, clean) the blackboard.

4.could yougive , gives) me a cup of tea? i am thirsty.

5.my aunt is a teacher. sheworks , work) in a university.

五。 根据所给的情景,选择合适的句子。10分。

)1. 当你看到你的同学在教室里踢球,你应该说:

a. let’s play together.

b. don’t play football in the classroom. let’s play outside.

c. can i help you?

)2. 你在街上看见一位外国人好像迷路了,你可以说:

a. can you help me?

b. what is this?

c. can i help you?

)3. 当你拒绝对方的邀请时应该说:

a. with pleasure.

b. sorry, but i am busy now.

c. yes, please.

)4. 当你在街上碰到老朋友时,你会说:

a. hi, jack. how are you?

b. good morning, what’s your name?

c. good morning, can i help you?

)5. 当你听到别人不幸的消息后应该说:

a. excuse me.

b. i’m sorry to hear that.

c. thank you.


三 计算。1.简便计算。2.解方程。x 15 3 245 x 10 311x 42 2x 100 9x 22 四 求下面物体的表面积和体积。单位 厘米 五 如图,在 abc中,abd的面积是30平方厘米,bd 5厘米,cd 9厘米,求 abc的面积?ab dc 六 解决问题。1.一个三位数,十位数字...


五年级五班微机课测试题。一 选择正确的答案在相应的 里打 每题3分,共15分 1 下面的三个式子中,第 个式子是方程。1 4x 2 2x 3 3 5 2 7 2 用一根同样长的绳子分别围成下面的图形,面积最大的是长方形 正方形 圆 3 如果a是b的倍数,那么a b两个数的最大公因数是a b a b ...


一 填空题。1 如果数a能被数b整除,那么 是 的倍数,是 的因数,一个数的 是有限的,一个数的 是无限的。没有大小限制时 2 4 9 36,则 和 是 的因数,是 和 的倍数。3 80以内9的倍数有 个。4 同时是 的倍数的最小的两位数是 5 若2 3 2 3 4 9,5 4 5 6 7 8,7 ...