
发布 2021-12-31 00:04:28 阅读 9274

单元巩固训练(unit 13)

section a


1. my sister likes soft colors, such as white and粉红色).

2. you shouldn’t treat him like that. i don’t think it’s公平的) to him.

said that loud music made her紧张的).

4. we feel uncomfortable to sit on硬的) seats.

5. they made the school a place for科学的) experiments.


1. do you smoke? how do you feel about

2. people don’t like to be kept

3. the pie can behot or cold.

4. they had funfootball in the park last sunday.

5. —what made you so upset?

my new bicycle.


make a decision, make a living, make friends, make it, make money, make noise

1. kelsey hasto practice dancing.

2. the twinsby selling clothes.

3. don’ti’m answering the phone.

4. i’m new in the class. would you like towith me?

5. the poor girl had to try her best tofor the whole family.

6. wang lin should h**e been there at 10 am, but he didn’tbecause of he**y traffic.

. 将下列汉语句子翻译成英语。(注意用上make)

1. 轻柔的**使他感到很放松。

2. 那场悲伤的电影让我一直哭。

3. 等了她那么久让我很生气。

4. 为了让自己能被那位老人听见,我不得不大声说话。

5. 必须让他遵守规则。

. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。

1. 那个笑话那么有趣,以至于我们都情不自禁地笑了。

the joke wasfunny __we couldn’t help laughing.

2. 昨晚你和你的朋友们玩得高兴吗?

did youyour friends last night?

3. 今天早上因为交通拥挤我迟到了。

i was late

4. 糟糕的污染使我想要组织一个清洁运动。

terrible pollutionorganize a clean-up campaign.

5. 这儿有一些对学生们有用的建议。

here are somehelpful to students.

section b & self check


1. he usually lwhat to buy before going to the supermarket.

2. h**e you packed your toothbrush and t

3. the food my mother cooks for us tdelicious.

4. has he told you the tabout what happened on that day?

5. my sister’s hair is the shair that i h**e ever seen.


1首先), the computer room must be kept clean.

2有时) he goes to the english club after school.

3. too much work and too little rest can引发) illnesses.

4. i am happy that i bought the computer以最低的**).

5. this book is specially针对) teenagers.


1. 妈妈还没有回来,爸爸也没有。(either)

2. 这件外套不够厚来御寒。(thick enough)

3. 他的拼写太糟糕!比如,就看看这个词吧!(for instance)

4. 他已离开伦敦的消息确实吗?(true)

5. 这个女孩正攒钱,以便在母亲节能给她妈妈买一件礼物。(so that)


a: you don’t look very happy, betty. what happened?

b: (1a: when did you buy it?

b: just half a year ago.

a: it must be very cheap, right?

b: no. (2

a: why did you buy this one?

b: (3the words in the ad sounded good, so i decided to buy one.

a: (4some are misleading. they just lead you to buy the products, but they don’t tell you anything about the quality of them.

b: you are right. we can’t believe them all the time. (5

a: sure. you should compare more products and choose the best one.



1. our company has trips to suit all kinds of品味).

2. alice picked up a钱包) on her way to school this morning.

3. which one do you like better, the green one or the紫色的) one?

4. different people h**e different ton gift-giving.


单元巩固训练 unit 3 section a 根据句意和汉语提示,填写单词或短语。1.john got his driver s执照 last month.2.we all同意 with what you said just now.3.don t ask such a愚蠢的 question.4...


初四英语unit 3 知识点检测。一 单词。1.巨大的。2.侵犯的。3.顽皮的。4.饲养。5.称 重量。6.重量。7.磅。8.发现发觉。9.污染 v n adj 10.笼子。11.教育 v n 12.词语。13.利用。14.原料。15.拉拔。16.屋顶。17.最近。18.行星。19.社会。20.灵感...


初四英语unit 3 知识点检测一 单词 1.巨大的 2.侵犯的 3.顽皮的 4.饲养 5.称 重量 6.重量 7.磅 8.发现发觉 9.污染 v n adj 10.笼子 11.教育 v n 12.词语 13.利用 14.原料 15.拉拔 16.屋顶 17.最近 18.行星 19.社会 20.灵感 ...