调研题目 英 中

发布 2021-12-23 06:58:28 阅读 3620

1. reporting medical errors

compare us-china differences in terms reporting medical errors by

physicians and nurses. 1. types of medical errors, 2.

policies/incentives/processes for reporting medical errors, 3. extent

of errors reported, 4. factors affecting physician/nurses reporting

medical errors

2. physician-patient relationships

there h**e been significant physician patient tensions in china, both

emotionally and physically. 1. dimensions of physician patient

relationships, 2. tensions between physicians and patient in china, 3.

consequences of physician patient tensions, 4. factors affecting

physician patient relationships, 5. what can be done to improve

physician patient relationship

3. human resources burn-out/stress issues

healthare providers are in high stressful job environments. 1.

dimensions for describing burn-out/stress issues in hospital

environments, 2. symptoms of burn-out/stress, 3. consequences of

burn-out/stress, 4. factors affecting burn-out/stress, 5. how to

improve burn-out/stress issues

4. e-icu

based on baptist e-icu observations/insights, develop understanding of

how the chinese hospital is doing with it's e-icu type of issues. 1.

differences in the icu setups/processes/staffing/patient flow, 2.

systems implemented in the icu, 3. adoption/implementation issues, 4.

impacts of e-icu types of systems

5. emr initiatives/adoptions/implementation issues

based on observations/insights about us hosptial emr

initiatives/adoption/implementation issues, develop understanding of

how the chinese hosptial is dealing with emr issues, 1. differences in

the status of emr adoption/implementation, 2. differences in the

driving forces that lead to emr adoption, 3. incentives/investment

issues, 4. implementation and change issues, 5. impacts of emr

6. billing/reimbursement process/policies issues

based on observations/insights about us hosptial billing/reimbursement

process/policies issues, develop understanding of how the chinese

hospital is dealing with billing/reimbursement process/policies; 1.

differences in the setups of the billing/reimbursement

policies/processes, 2. differences in the cost structure of the

hospital pricing system, 3. differences in issues involved in

billing/reimbursement, 4. lessons learned from the comparison

1. 医疗错误报告。

对比中美医护人员的医疗错误报告:1.医疗错误的类型;2.报告医疗错误的政策、奖励措施和流程;3.医疗错误的严重性;4. 影响医生/**报告医疗错误的因素。

2. 医患关系。


医患关系包括哪几个方面;2.中国紧张的医患关系;3. 这种关系带来的结果;4.


3. 医务人员工作压力过大。

医务人员在高压下工作。1.描述医院的高压环境;2.压力过大的症状;3.压力过大的结果;4. 压力过大的原因;5. 如何改善现状。




3.实际操作中的问题;4. e-icu网络医疗平台产生了哪些影响。

5. 电子病历(emr)的实践及问题。


背后的推动因素有何不同;3. 鼓励措施和投资问题;4.实践情况及要做出的改变;5.


6. 开票/报销流程和政策。




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