
发布 2021-10-30 15:46:28 阅读 8133



the power of models

like his friend's hairstyle, like every time he climbdown the picture, this is my idol, a short but aomplishednba players - allen iverson.

although he is not tall, but has a speedy. harriscreated off the dribble the world record, brooks is knownas the nba trapeze, but they are proud of the speed for histeam to bring out what? they will never be able to copy thereal iverson swift and deadly skill, since he entered theleague, this is a dreaded weapon.

strong body is he defeated his opponent with a powerfulweapon, if there is a tough player than iverson, so hisphysical qualities must be better than iverson. on xx, theeastern conference finals, iverson swallow a mouth full ofblood and thunder allen sike, inspired the team's morale.

in this league, he's breaking up to the player, butalso be laid up to the player to look at him again andagain, and again fall, climb up, feel the love of diving isa real sissy man.

i love iverson, because of his skill, but because he isin after the fall and rise of courage.





我的偶像作文 偶像的力量。偶像,是我们心中的一个太阳,照耀着我们前进 偶像,是一颗美丽的火种,燃起了我们青春的火焰,激励着我们阔步成长 偶像,是我们心中的一个指南针 我是一个平凡的小小少年,但我有一个不平凡的梦,然而,支撑起这个梦的,是我深藏在心底的偶像 小鹿纯子。她是 排球女将 中的主角,为了走向...

关于偶像的作文 偶像的力量

关于偶像的作文 偶像的力量 真正的偶像并不因靓丽的外貌与华丽的包装风靡一时 你对他的喜欢完全取决于他对粉丝身体力行的关爱 内在出众的谈吐与气质 值得我们敬佩的品德,而在这潜移默化中,我们似乎感染了他的气息,从而言行举止与他越发相似。我们从他身上汲取好的 优秀的,摒弃那些不好的 虚假的。题记我见过许多...


英语作文 2021偶像的作用英语作文范文。2021偶像的作用英语作文范文。我的偶像英语素材 her,3 years old like table tennis,5 years,and he began to play she,once the champion of the olympic game...