
发布 2021-10-30 15:42:28 阅读 3786










英文:yesterday evening, i h**e a fever, 38, second days idid not go to school.

i spent at home for a long day; in the slightly betterwhen your homework pletion, this afternoon, i was repairingwork when, suddenly, the bell rang, i think: dad e back?still h**e classmates to give me makeup lessons?

or isthere someone who does mischief? i went up with thesequestions, picked up the doorbell, and just heard thegentle voice of the students in the doorbell: "chen tao!

are you sick?" a classmate and i h**e e up to make up amissed lesson for you." they finished, i opened the door,they immediately ran up, give me a math, a coach me inchinese, they also taught a new class **** me, i think theylook so funny, could not help laughing.

and they told me about the things and jokes in theclass that made me laugh. they both looked at the time:5:

21 saying: "we walk at 5:40.

" they said i didn't e today,and some students didn't want to play after class, and ithought, "i'm still an attractive student, just like a mag,and sucked everybody.".time flies, they h**e to go, i leftthem unable to part.

today, thanks to them, with them, my disease is good,and it's all right. thanks to both of them, i can go toschool again in second days, and i want to thank them verymuch.







英文:remember the third grade, the students are very wele tome to play table tennis, not because i play good, because iplayed bad, just hanging ball. because of this, every timei play table tennis, i can only sell my ball to the sameteam.

even so, i still feel like i can't lift my head infront of those who are playing well. it was fridayafternoon, my classmates, a table in the square length ofless than one point five meters on the play, i promise,because in it is easy for me to receive the ball, will notbe hit into "white eggs".

competition" began, on the table tennis, a white balljumping, jumping for more than half an hour. after all, atthat time he was an "expert" in the class, and the result,needless to say, was, of course, ended with my fiasco. wheni get disheartened carrying bags with "authentic plate",was preparing to le**e when a luo ran to me and said:

"youare playing well and yo, after every afternoon i h**e toaompany you to play a game, to see if you're frustratedlife?" i didn't beat him lightly, but i was happy. afterall, i had a coach!

at that time, we studied in the board room, and did notpack that kind of special shuttle to a group of people"wild", and had to take the bus, so we h**e sufficienttraining time. every day after school, after class, lunchbreak, i and luo began to "training", constantly create newmoves in actual bat, looking for senior brothers to learnfrom each other, in order to see their strength...

he**en helps those who help themselves., after fiveweeks of training, my game progress, "wash" skills studentsin general is zhang fei --a piece of cake to eat beansprouts, thanks to his help, otherwise, i also was a "sellking ball now".


篇一 关于同学之间的作文。我和孙同是形影不离的好同学,但是在我们之间发生了一件不愉快的事儿。记得星期三第一节下课时,同学们纷纷把作业本交给了小组长,只有孙彤在慢慢的演算。我朝她瞟了一眼,低声说 活该,谁让你上课做小动作,连题目都没抄到,怎么做?她转过头来,横脸竖肉的对着我,一下子从座位上跳了起来,抓...


篇1 关于同学之间的作文。在我的生活中,每天都发生着许多大大小小的事。可有一件普普通通的小事,却令我很是难忘。那是刚刚升入六年级的时候,由于佩戴红领巾是少先队的一项例行检查,所以老师经常告诫我们,每天必须佩戴红领巾,特别是上操的时候。否则就罚抄课文。因此同学们都不敢不佩戴红领巾。可是有一天,上完第二...


关于同学之间友谊的作文上海市闸北区科技学校三年级谢佩绮那是一个阳光明媚的日子。丁零零 下课铃声响了,我看了看课程表 耶,下节课是我最喜欢的兴趣课呀!我几乎从座位上跳了起来。我等呀等,下课那十分钟对我来说就像几个小时一般。终于,上课铃声响了,我从桌上拿起铅笔盒,像离弦的箭一般冲下了楼梯。来到了一楼,老...