
发布 2021-10-15 02:56:28 阅读 6764

the national day that day, the air crisp, the square every lamppost hang flags, the first tree hanging from the lights, the square is dressed up more colorful. in the morning, in every corner of the square has been full of singing away.

on one side of the square, why so busy? oh, here is a big stage, the stage a few graceful actor in singing and dancing. whenever the stage after a performance, the audience's applause like flowing water continuously.

look at the other side of the square, why more lively? oh, there are many people in the activity! you see, the old people in exercise done of passion; young people in the following table, singing, chat while walking, and the...

can be taken; the children like fish into the water, happy to play the game...

i like the national day, i prefer the noisy, vibrant scene national day!






国庆节终于到了,我在家里思考着该怎样度过今年的国庆,同时,我也在思考最令人头疼的事 眼镜和作业,国庆节,大家都是热热闹闹 喜气洋洋的,有些家长准备带孩子游山玩水,有些同学选择在家利用长假好好温习功课,有些同学选择参加兴趣培训班。而我,唉 眼睛是心灵的 窗户,为了保护我的心灵,国庆节,我终于给窗户安上...

日记大全 国庆七天乐

第一天看升旗乐。在祖国妈妈66岁生日那天,我在天安门观礼台 升国旗仪式。当看到国旗缓缓升起,我非常激动。我想到,我现在快乐的生活是不怕牺牲的士兵流血奋斗带来的。我要认真学习,长大以后好好工作,建设祖国。第二天坐火车乐。早上我坐火车去黄山游玩,我坐了6个小时,在车上,我画画 读书 写作业 打牌 聊天 ...


2012年国庆云南七日游安排。日期。出发时间。线路游玩安排餐饮早餐中餐随行安。住宿。9.309点直接到昆明可逛昆明夜市。排。晚餐到昆明可品尝过桥米线早餐在酒店或旁。云上四季酒店。昆明 安宁 1.安宁森林温泉。8点楚雄恐龙谷 大理。3.大理自由活动。边小馆。乐。晚餐在大理。大理苍山酒店。2.恐龙谷科普...