a: good aftemoon ,boys and girls!
b: 同学们,下午好!
a:welcome to our english broadcast programme again!
b: 当然记得!
a: 那么,我来考考你们。
b: ok!
q: 鸡蛋 l:egg x:egg
q: 两个鸡蛋 l:two eggs x:two eggs
q: 面包 l:bread x:bread
q: 牛奶 l:milk x:milke
q: 一杯牛奶 l:a glass of milk x:a glass of milke
q: 给你 l:here you are. x:here you are.
q: 味道好极了 l:how delicious. x:how delicious.
q: very good!看来你们掌握的都很好!
x:hi, friends! today is my birthday.朋友们,今天是我的生日。
q: really? l:真的吗?
x: yes,of course.当然是真的啊。
q: happy birthday to you.
x: thank you very much.
q: 那我们今天就开一个birthday party 吧。
l: good idea.真是个好主意。
q: birthday party x:生日聚会 l: birthday party x: birthday partye
q: 见到寿星第一句话是 happy birthday party!
x: 祝你生日快乐 happy birthday to you. l: happy birthday to you.
q: 梁方舟,别忘了给寿星准备生日礼物哦!
l: 放心吧,不会的。
q: present. x: 礼物 l: present x: presente
q: here’s your present. x:
这是给你的礼物。here’s your present. l:
here is your present.
q: 快打开看看吧。please open it and h**e a look.
x: please open it and h**e a look. l: please open it and h**e a look.
q: 是什么?
x: oh, a toy train. 一辆玩具火车。 l: a toy train. q: a toy train.
q: it looks very beautiful.
x: 它看起来非常漂亮。 it looks very beautiful.
l: it looks very beautiful,谢致远,do you like it?
q: 你喜欢吗? do youlike it?
x: yes, i like it very much.
q: look, here’s your birthday cake.
x: 生日蛋糕 birthday cake l: birthday cakee
q: here’s your birthday cake.
x: 给你生日蛋糕。
l: here’s your birthday cake,xxx.
x: 生日帽 birthday hat q: birthday hat. l: birthday hat.
q: 现在戴上你的生日帽吧。now put on your birthday hat, please.
x: now put on your birthday hat. l: now put on your birthday hat.
q: how old are you?
x: i’m twelve years old.
q: xxx, birthday candles ?
x: birthday candles. q:生日蜡烛 l: birthday candles.
q:让我们点上生日蜡烛吧! let’s light the birthday candles!
x: let’s light the birthday candles. l: let’s light the birthday candles.
q:oh,xxx,快许个愿吧!please make a : please make a wish. l: please make a wish.
x: all right.
q: 好了吗? h**e you finished? l: h**e you finished?
x: yeah. now i’ll blow out the candles. 现在我要吹蜡烛了。
q: 吹蜡烛 blow out the candles l: blow out the candlese
x: ok, friends. let,s enjoy the birthday cake. 我们一起来分享生日蛋糕吧。 l: ok
q: xxx,xxx,准备工作做好了吗?我们的birthday party 现在开始吧。
l&x: yeah
q: happy birthday to you. xxx。
l:here’s your present. please open it and h**e a look.
x: thank you. oh, a toy train. it looks very beautiful. i like it very much.
q: look. here’s your birthday cake.
l:now put on your birthday hat, please. how old are you, xxx?
x: i’m 12 years old.
q: let’s light the birthday candles.
l:ok, please make a wish.
x: all right.
q: one, two, three…
l:h**e you finished?
x: year. now i’ll blow out the candles.
x: ok, friend. let’s enjoy the birthday cake.
q&l: great.
x: i’m very happpy today. how about you?
q&l: me too.
q: that’s all for today
l: see you next time.
人生路有坦途也有坎坷 小学生广播稿 二 人生多姿多彩然而却困难考验重重它不会一帆风顺不会一马平川它充满艰辛布满荆棘 给自己一个必胜信心吧!你已成功了一半只需再坚持成功就属于你了加油啊!请记住 勇气是成功开始信念是成功支柱付出是成功关键你能行坚持下去创造你无悔程吧!小学生广播稿 三 拼搏望每一位运动员...
g bys gils b 同学们,下午好!l u glis bs pg gi!b 欢迎大家再次参与我们的英语快餐节目!上期节目我们给大家介绍了一些吃早点时常用的英语,你们还记得吗?b ily b 当然记得!那么,我来考考你们。b k q 鸡蛋 l gg x gg q 两个鸡蛋 l ggs x ggs...
小学生广播稿 关于秋分校园广播稿。田 尊敬的老师。梁 亲爱的同学们。合 大家好。红领巾广播站又和大家见面了。田 度过了有趣的暑假,新的学期伴随着凉爽的秋风姗姗来临。梁 春去秋来,转眼之间,秋分就在眼前。秋分是农历二十四节气中的第十六个节气,从这一天起,阳光直射位置继续由赤道向南半球推移,北半球开始昼...