
发布 2021-08-26 08:14:28 阅读 8628





fair is my love fair is my love, when her hair golden hairs我的爱人如此唯美,蓦然回首。

with the loose wind ye w**ing chance to mark;


fair when the rose in red cheeks appears,我的爱人如此唯美,当她红润的脸颊玫瑰红萦绕,orinhereyesthefireoflovedoesspark.或是当她双目中闪过爱的火花;

fair when her breast like a rich laden bark,我的爱人如此唯美,当她挺起胸乳。

with precious merchandise she forth doth lay,像载满奇珍异宝的航船;

fair when that cloud of pride, which oft doth dark我的爱人如此唯美,当她用微笑驱散开。

her goodly light with smiles she dries away.那遮掩她柔媚光辉的傲世云团。

but fairest she, when so she doth display而她最绚美的时候是当她轻轻叩响。

the gate with pearls and rubies richly dight装饰满红宝石与白珍珠的大门。

through which her words so wise do make theirway吐出无尽的华丽之辞,to bear the message of her gentle sprite渗透着优雅温柔、透着一丝调皮的情意。

the rest be works of nature’swonderment剩下的尽是大自然的鬼斧神工,butthistheworkofheart’s astonishment而这却是心中电击般的震撼。


never seek to tell thy love永远不要表达你的爱。



love that never told can be;


for the gentle wind doth move因为清风拂过。

silently, invisibly,轻轻地,不留一丝痕迹i told my love, i told mylove,我表达了我的爱,我表达了我的爱,i told her all my heart;


trembling, cold, in ghastly fears,颤抖、寒冷、如死一般的恐惧。

ah! she did depart.唉!她竟然飘然离去。

soonafter she was gone from me,她与我分手后没多久。

a tr**eler cameby,一个行人与我擦肩而过。

silently, invisibly:轻轻地,不留一丝痕迹。

he took her with a sigh.伴着我的一声叹息,他将她带走。



i asked nothing,only stood at theedge of the wood behind the tree.我一无所求,只站在林边树后。

languor was still upon the eyes of the dawn,and the dew in theair.倦意还逗留在黎明的眼上,露润在空气里。the lazy smell of thedamp grass hung in the thin mist above the earth.


under the banyan tree you were milking the cow with your hands,tender and fresh as butter.在榕树下你用乳油般柔嫩的手挤着牛奶。

and i was standing still.我沉静地站立着。

i did not come near you.我没有走近你。

the sky woke with the sound of the gong at the temple.天空和庙里的锣声一同醒起。

the dust was raised in the road from the hoofs of the driven cattle.街尘在驱走的牛蹄下飞扬。

with the gurgling pitchers at their hips,women came from theriver.把汩汩发响的水瓶搂在腰上,女人们从河边走来。

your bracelets were jingling,and foam brimming over the jar.你的钏镯丁当,乳沫溢出罐沿。

the morning wore on and i did not come near you.晨光渐逝而我没有步近你。


i m nobody 我是无名之辈!emily dickinson 艾米莉狄金森。i m nobody who are you?我是无名之辈!你是谁?are you nobody,too?你也是无名之辈?then there s a pair of us don t tell 那咱俩就成了一对别出声...


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