
发布 2021-06-24 12:07:28 阅读 1094


i wish you a very happy future.我祝你有非常幸福的未来。i wish you a very happy future.我祝你有非常幸福的未来。

wish suggest虚拟语气。

wish (that)should do sth should可省虚拟语气:不可能实现委婉一些。不可能存在的一些事情。

if i had money , i would lend you some如果我有钱我会给你一些。但是实际上是没有!wish

i wish you a very happy future.我祝你有非常幸福的未来。wish sb sth祝愿什么事情。

i wish you (should ) hadagoodfuture should一般省略掉双宾结构:wishsbsth真正的宾语是:sth这个就是直接宾语wish to do sth希望做某事wish sb to do sth希望去做某事give sb sth lendsb sth tell sb sth都是直接宾语i wish you to be healthy...

hope希望是可以实现的!而wish是基本不会实现的。hope to do sth希望做某事。

i wish i were really wealthy.但愿我真的富有。用的是过去式。

wish (that ) sb动+过去式were was一般用were虚拟语气if i were you。

总结下:wish sb sthwish (that)名词+过去式i wish iwerereallywealthy.但愿我真的富有。

ifihadmoney,i would lend you some虚拟语态一般用过去式。

in future从今以后in future = from now on事态是用一般将来是!in future he will h**e to fend for himself.!(从今开始)



present n.礼物,现在--presenter (n.)主持人n. 他给我买了一只贵重的钻戒作生日礼物。


adj. he insists on being 他一定要出席。

v.提出,赠送,呈现h**e no future没有前途present n.礼物,现在--presenter

n.)主持人n. he bought me a valuable diamond ring asa birthday present.



adj. he insists on being present.


过去是past (adj.) n.) in the past在过去做形容词mypain is past

prep.) adv.) walk past te street用的是副词。

passtheexam halfpastsix时间的一种表示方法half30分钟twentypastone 1:20 30~59分钟用to aquaterto three 2:45

fair集市常见的用法是公正的;公平的(adj.)youmust play fair.你必须公平行事。反义词是:unfair

that's a fair comment.那是公正的评价。注意前面的不定冠词!

其他意思:尚可的,一般的;相当的it's fairly hot

outside相当的热!也可以是relatively。他的英语知识尚可。his knowledge of english is fair.

**)白皙的;(头发)金色的;(人)白肤金发的she hasfairhairandskin.她有金色的头发,白皙的**。(天气)晴朗的the weather will be fair today.

今天天气会很晴朗。其他表示:sunny fine。

正面地,直接地theball hit him fair in the head.球不偏不倚正中他的头部。just right也是一种。

fortune fortune-teller n.算命人make a fortune发大财(可数或不可数)他梦想发大财。hedreamedof******afortune。

运气fortunen,运气不可数名词:hedidnotdeserve such fortune.他不配得到这种好运气。

命运意思不可数名词(fate destiny)

fortunately幸运地是副词。fortunate (adj.)幸运的fortunately(adv.)幸运地。

crystal (n.)不可数形容东西时是可数!

he drank from a crystal wine glass.他用水晶酒杯喝酒。crystal necklace水晶般的,清澈的,透明的relationn.

亲属relative inrelationto关系相关性关于in relation to关于。

关于那件事,我没什么好说的。i h**e nothing to say inrelation to that matter.

the relation between china and russia is greatrelationship关系人与人的关系。


he has good relationship with his parents他和父母关系很好。

the report has relation to politics报告和政治有关。

relate相处relate to sb relate well to sb shedoesn't relate well to her mother.

get on with get along with符合your statementdoes not relate well with the facts.你的说法与事实不太符合。relate with符合。

relate a story to sbrelate with the fact relate to in relation to

impatient im前缀:不耐烦的才,impolite不礼貌的!patient耐心的。be patient with有耐心的。(n.)病人。

文章:at a village fair, i decided to visit afortune-teller called madam bellinsky

at a fair在集市village用定语名词做定语!一般用单数个别的是:sports shoe woman man womendoctors men teachers是负数。

of:a fair of the villagecalled:后置定语所有格形式。

visit (vt.)pay a visit to参观;拜访。

iwentintohertentandshetoldmetositdown. sitseat名词,动词让某人使某人坐下sit (v.)坐下please remain seated。

please remain sitting坐下注意是ing形式!请保持!

after i had given her some money, she looked into acrystal ball

a relation of yours is coming to see you. she willbe arriving this evening and intends to stay for a fewdays.双重所有格你的一位亲戚a photo of me /mine:

a photo of me这个**上有我!a photo of mine我拥有的一张**(不一定是有我的)

a relation of yours is coming to see you

shewillbearrivingthiseveningandintendstostayfor a few days:will be doing将来进行时!也可是队将。

来的推测!intend intend to do sth打算做某事!intention两个并列在里面!

the moment you le**e this tent, you will get a bigsurprise:the moment= the minute一。。。就。。

as soon as只要as long asnosoonerthan..和hardlywhen区别:hardlywhen一般都是用在过去时!过去完成时!

而是as soon as很灵活的什么时态都有!

you will get a big surprise抽象名词具体化surprise有形容词修饰一般就具体化了:比如getabigsurprise让你精喜的事情!化作一件事情!

awomanyouknowwellwillrushtowardsyou: awomanyouknowwell定语awomanthat/whoyouknowwell awoman that/who/whom you know well关系代词关系代词或关系副词叫做引导词towards = to朝你走。

she will speak to you and then she will lead you awayfrom this place:lead sb off .


he borrowed some money from me. that's all.他向我借了些钱,仅此而已。:all代词。

all the students同位语从句!主语从句!


all that i know is nothing不是主语从句! what = allthat

as soon as i went outside, i forgot all about madambellinsky because my wife hurried towards me : because引导的是原因状语从句!

your sister will be here in less than an hour and wemustbeatthestationtomeether:inlessthananhour


in not more than an hour也是不到一小时!

no more not more区别:not more不到。he's notshorter than you他没你矮he's no shorter than you他和你一样高有了一种感**彩在里面尽量用not好一些!

this book is no more interesting than that one这本书和那本书一样不令人感兴趣this book is not moreinteresting than that one这本书不如那本书有兴趣。

wemustbeatthestationtomeether.:atthestation地点状语!must do sth \对将来或是对现在进行的推测!

mustbedoingsth只是对现在的推测! hemustbedoinghishomework now ,现在正在做作业! must h**e done :

过去情况的推测hemusth**edonehishomework,forheisplayingoutside . for引导的是原因状语从句!他一定完成他的作业了已经在外面玩!

should, can ,may可以推广到情态动词里!

as she walked away, i followed her out of the fair. :as with而这都是引导伴随状语!

astimegoeson!withtime going on而这都是伴随和原因状语!

现在进行时表示将要发生的事情在英语中,现在进行时也可以用来表示为将来安排好的活动和事件。这种用法通常需要一个表示时间的状语(往往是不久的将来):we'respendingnext winter in australia。

be going to /will:计划好的事情theteacherisill i'mgoingtohervisither、/i will visit her将要去看他!

arrive, come, go, le**e等动词的进行式经常有这种用法,表示行程安排有关的“将到达”、“将离去”等意思:arelation of yours is coming to see you.您的一个亲戚就要来看您了。


初中英语笔记大全 精华版 call sb.phone sb.ring sb.up please give me a call 请打 给我。肯定 let 宾语 人称代词的宾格或名词 v原型 否定 don t let 宾语 v原型 let 宾语 not v原型 h e表示 有 时才可以用来提问或写成否定...


1.millions of two million 数百万 两百万 2.give sb.给某人某物。3.throw sth.into sw.把某物扔到某地。4.take sth.from sw.把某物从某地取出。5.be hungry be full h e enough 饿 饱 吃够了。6.on ...


2018 4 7 笔记。1 require r kwa vt.要求 ask request r kwest vt.需要 need a require ask request sb to do sth 要求某人做某事 1 they required me to keep silent.b be req...