
发布 2021-06-17 17:04:28 阅读 7031


i am so looking forward to my college life. i h**e pictured itthousands of times in my mind. the free lifestyle and lively partiesare always appearing my mind.

the great expectation of campus lifeendows me a lot of passion to keep study. after two years’study, i would find my lifestyle.



thefirstthingformeistolearnmoreknowledge..theythinkstudyisjustthetask,sotheygiveupimprovingthemselves and take part in all kinds of activities, which bring themgreatjoy. miss the best time to equip themselves with skills.

i realizemy job and dare not to loose study.



the second thing for me to learn is to make friends by joiningactivities. i am a shy girl, but inside my heart, i am so eager to makemore friends, so i choose to join many activities in the spared time. ilearndancingandplayingtennis.

,whomakemycollege colorful.


我的大学生活英语作文 Mycollegelife

which place we look forward to university,the number of students of senior three.university life,every high school students dream of want to experienc...


他不去,肯定点名啊!赶紧起 同学你的 已经到了,请到7 楼来取 7号字,打印6份,缩印35 每个人的大学时光都是终将逝去的青春,它们永远的共通点就是很美好也很傻帽 且绝对不可复制不能重来。在这个不是毕业的季节,网上流传的一段ppt 却引发了我们不可遏抑的伤感,我的大学生活 这名字听着朴实,从制作到创...

我的大学生活作文 我的大学生活作文

我的大学生活作文 我的大学生活作文。我的大学四年生活。似乎才刚刚走进大学校园,转眼,又要离去。四年的生活就在不知不觉中从身边飞过。在这四年里,我经历了许多从未经历过的生活,得到了许多使我终身受益的经验教训,拥有了称得上 铁杆 的朋友 在最后的时间里还找到了一份很不错的工作。然而,如果有人问我 你在大...