我的大学生活英语作文 Mycollegelife

发布 2020-01-09 06:45:28 阅读 9277

which place we look forward to university, the number of students of senior three. university life, every high school students dream of want to experience. at least i was at that time.

but, to be honest, the university for me at that time is a kind of imagination of good, but how, i want to now i didn't h**e a certain understanding to him. it was just bright, can see someone read a foreign language in the shade on campus, that kind of to be attentive, let the pedestrian light steps and afraid to disturb them. find a seat to sit down and take out a textbook, a day of university life began.

gradually the pedestrians on the road, broke the quiet campus, almost time for my class, and chat with my classmates last night's game, edge towards the classroom. class will soon be immersed in the wonderful lecture teacher, my mind to follow the teacher in float in the sky, the old professor appearing on the face of youth. in the afternoon after school time is the most unforgettable, this is the time of his own can be allocated, you can go on the internet, dating, dinners, etc.

, as well as a variety of activities at the time, from the p**ilion there come the sound of applause, the football field a group of students playing football, there are several girls in shouting refueling...unwittingly spent two years of university life, really suantiankula all h**e in the past two years. anyway, we are all in day by day grow up, mature, step by step towards his dream.

finally, also might as well say: my university life, really wonderful.







我的大学生活作文 我的大学生活作文

我的大学生活作文 我的大学生活作文。我的大学四年生活。似乎才刚刚走进大学校园,转眼,又要离去。四年的生活就在不知不觉中从身边飞过。在这四年里,我经历了许多从未经历过的生活,得到了许多使我终身受益的经验教训,拥有了称得上 铁杆 的朋友 在最后的时间里还找到了一份很不错的工作。然而,如果有人问我 你在大...


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