
发布 2020-01-09 06:42:28 阅读 2886

today after dinner, i sat on the sofa, to my college life began in the imagination.

my fantasy to our campus: the east is where the game of many students aspire to, a few sunshine big boy is playing in the playground, with one; the west is business lush bamboo forest, in the school green, let a person feeling refreshed, cui lust flow; the south is the place where our school knowledge, lang lang's top coming from the classroom. north school gate is open, the "long" many "spikes", in order not to let the thief to enter easily.

my fantasy to our school uniforms: corridor, strange graffiti greeted. "also i diaoyu islands!

" reading for the rise of the chinese," ah, these are the original good patriotic youth! "mat" miles incense "brand insoles, for shame to his feet." drink kidney treasure, forever.

" hey, these young grew up dream turned out to be a salesman! "accidentally drops of kidney!" it is not a good day.

" ah, the youth is in a sad state. "i is the yan lao tze, i biggest!" i live in a mental hospital, room 302.

" this - let me call them what is youth?

oh dear! dad told me to go shopping together, bye bye, see you next time!









我的大学生活作文 我的大学生活作文

我的大学生活作文 我的大学生活作文。我的大学四年生活。似乎才刚刚走进大学校园,转眼,又要离去。四年的生活就在不知不觉中从身边飞过。在这四年里,我经历了许多从未经历过的生活,得到了许多使我终身受益的经验教训,拥有了称得上 铁杆 的朋友 在最后的时间里还找到了一份很不错的工作。然而,如果有人问我 你在大...


他不去,肯定点名啊!赶紧起 同学你的 已经到了,请到7 楼来取 7号字,打印6份,缩印35 每个人的大学时光都是终将逝去的青春,它们永远的共通点就是很美好也很傻帽 且绝对不可复制不能重来。在这个不是毕业的季节,网上流传的一段ppt 却引发了我们不可遏抑的伤感,我的大学生活 这名字听着朴实,从制作到创...


大学既是崇尚自由但是又与学习并重的园地,它是人生中最美妙的一段经历,而怎样让自己的大学生活更加多采绚丽,那就需要我们对自己的大学生涯有一个美好 全面 科学的规划。以下是给大家提供的关于我的大学生活的作文,欢迎大家阅读参考!大学,多少高三学子向往的地方。大学生活,每一个高中生都梦寐以求的的想去体验一番...