备战12月英语四级句子词汇真题训练和详解 8

发布 2021-06-11 12:23:28 阅读 4143


to __of cheating customers.

is not easy to learn english well but if you __on you will succeed in the end.

career was not noticeably __by the fact that he had never been to college.

good employer gives hints to his or her employees without __with their creativity.

[a] charged [b] hindered [c] accused [d] interfering

[e] fierce [f] hang [g] up [h] eager


5.[a] accuse [b] charge [c] complain [d] maintain

6.[a] classify [b] rank [c] react [d] sort

7.[a] solemn [b] selfish [c] harsh [d] severe

8.[a] equivalent[b] violent [c] fierce [d] forceful

9.[a] illegal [b] criminal [c] wicked [d] widespread


1.选[e]。[题意] 由于航空公司间的激烈竞争,旅行费用已经大幅度地下降了。

fierce adj.狂热的;激烈的,狂暴的。

[搭配] fierce competition/ debate 激烈的竞争/辩论;fierce pride 强烈的自尊;a fierce storm **风雨。

[范例] after he got well, bob made a fierce effort to catch up with his classmates.鲍勃痊愈后拼命用功,以期能赶上班里的同学。

2.选[f]。[题意] 学好英语不容易,但是如果你坚持下去,你最后一定会成功。

hang v.悬挂,吊(着),垂下;吊死,绞死。

[搭配] hang about (the station) (在火车站附近)闲荡;hang on (the receiver) 握住(听筒)不放;hang on (learning english) 坚持(学英语);hang on to (the house) 继续保留(这所房子);hang up on sb. 挂断某人的**。

[范例] i should hang on to those old pictures--they may be valuable. 我要保存那些旧**,他们可能很有价值。

3.选[b]。[题意] 他从没有上过大学,但这并不妨碍他事业的发展。

hinder vt.阻碍,妨碍。

[搭配] hinder sb. from doing sth. 妨碍某人作某事;hinder the progress of the peace talks 妨碍和平谈判的进程;hinder one’s career 耽误某人的事业。

[范例] the policy will promote rather than hinder reform. 这项政策将促进而不是妨碍改革。

[用法] 表示“禁止,阻碍”,如stop/ prevent/ hinder/ prohibit/ restrain/ forbid等常用“动词+宾语+from doing”的结构,只有forbid用于”动词+宾语+to do”的结构。

4.选[d]。[题意] 一位好的雇主既能给他(她)的员工一些暗示而又不妨碍他们发挥创创造力。

interfere vi.妨碍,干扰;干涉,介入。

[搭配] interfere in sb.’s private affairs 干涉某人的私事;interfere with sb.’s computer 乱动某人的计算机;interfere in the internal affairs of other countries 干涉别国内政。

[范例] sometimes these incidents lead to violence, but mostly asboteurs interfere with the hunt by misleading riders. 有的时候事态会发展到暴力的程度,但是大多数情况下,打猎阻拦者只是干扰捕猎通过把骑马者引向歧路。

5.[d] 6.[c] 7.[b] 8.[a] 9.[d]

备战12月英语四级句子词汇真题训练和详解 7

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