
发布 2021-06-07 21:24:28 阅读 6240



retailer ['ritel] 零售商。


shop assistant ['sst()nt] 商店售货员。

真题例句]ask the shop assistant for advice.

consumer [kn'sjum]消费者。

真题例句]as a consumer, i want to get the best for my money.

counter ['kant] 柜台。

真题例句]at a *** counter in a music store.

sale [sel] 销售额。

真题例句]for a while, sales of hotdogs failed, but not for long.

discount ['dskant] 折扣。

真题例句]they are 40 dollars a pair, and 3 pairs make a total of 120 dollars. but today we offer a 10% discount.

purchase ['p:ts] 购买。

真题例句]it seems to me that a person must purchase things with a lot of care.

promotion [pr'mn]**。

真题例句]the automobile manufacturer is considering launching a promotion campaign.


library ['labrr] 图书馆。

真题例句]i’m so sorry i forgot to bring along the book you borrowed from the library.

borrow ['br] 借书。

真题例句]what should the man do to borrow the book?

check out 借阅。

真题例句]only students with a library card can check out reference books.

put on reserve 限制借出。

真题例句]the book has been put on reserve by dr. smith. unless you h**e his written permission, we won’t lend it out.

due [dju] 到期。

相关例句]the book is due today

return [r'tn] 还书。


be fined 罚款。

真题例句]if you do not, you could be fined up to £50.

reference book 参考书。

真题例句]only students with a library card can check out reference books.

journal ['dn()l]期刊。

真题例句]to find a better science journal in the library.

magazine [mg'zin] 杂志。

真题例句]to buy the latest issue of the magazine.

subscribe to [sb'skrab]订阅。

真题例句]maybe i ought to subscribe to the engineering quarterly. it contains a lot of useful information.

literature ['lt()rt]文学。

真题例句]he is good at both language and literature.

psychology [sa'kld]心理学。

真题例句]he teaches psychology at ohio state university.

philosophy [f'lsf] 哲学。

真题例句]how do you like professor bachman’s course on the history of philosophy? he is a distinguished scholar on that subject.

economics/ finance 经济学/金融学。

真题例句]i had studied almost everything about finance and economics.

architecture ['ktekt] 建筑学。

真题例句]janet is very much interested in architecture.

chemistry ['kemstr] 化学。

真题例句]she taught chemistry and microbiology courses in a college.

geography [d'grf] 地理学。

真题例句]geography is the study of the relationship between people and the land.

statistics [st'tstks] 统计学。

真题例句]applicants with sound knowledge in math and statistics.

餐厅。restaurant ['restrnt] 餐馆。

真题例句]joe’s mother and father both h**e full-time jobs and joe works part-time at a restaurant to help the family finances.

make a reservation [rez've()n] 预定座位。

真题例句]gorge, look at the long waiting line. i am glad you've made a reservation.

waiter ['wet] /waitress ['wetrs]餐厅服务员。

真题例句]i h**e a complaint to make, sir. i had waited ten minutes at the table before the waiter showed up, and i finally got served.

真题例句]the husband does the cooking and the wife serves as the waitress.

order ['d] 点菜。

真题例句]oh, oh, you know these things will ruin your health, too much fat and sugar, how about ordering some vegetables and fruit instead?

menu ['menju] 菜单。

真题例句]she'll take a look at the menu.

recommendation [,rekmen'de()n] 推荐。

真题例句]may i make a recommendation, sir? our seafood with this special sauce is very good.

dish[d] 一道菜。

真题例句]because we might be offered a dish of insects.

home-cooked meal自己家里做的饭。

真题例句]in fact, i'm sick and tired of restaurant food! sometimes, i just prefer a home-cooked meal.

steak [stek] 牛排。

真题例句]i'll h**e the steak, french fries, and let's see, chocolate ice cream for dissert.

dessert [d'zt]甜品。

真题例句]what would you like for dessert? i think i'll h**e apple pie and ice cream.

snack[snk] 小吃。

真题例句]she usually takes a snack in the kfc.


真题例句]may i make a recommendation, sir? our seafood with this special sauce is very good.

beverage ['bev()rd] 饮料。

真题例句]in 1993. new york state ordered stores to charge a deposit on beverage containers.

alcohol['lkhl] 酒精。

真题例句]i g**e up tobacco and alcohol and searched for new hobbies.

treat sb to sth [trit] 请客。

真题例句]the man will treat the woman to dinner tonight.

be allergic to ['ldk] 对…过敏。

真题例句]i don't at shellfish. i'm allergic to it.

医院。part 1 地点。

hospital ['hspt()l] 医院。

真题例句]he was kept in hospital for a long time.


中考听力单词。一 学科。学科语文数学。英语物理化学地理历史科学 体育美术班会。四 服装和礼物。服装外套夹克毛衣t桖衬衫围巾长裙长裤短裤短裙袜子钱包手表花卡片杂志磁带背包手包帽子眼镜鞋。五 食物 饮料和蔬菜和水果。六 颜色颜色红色黄色蓝色黑色绿色白色粉色棕色紫色浅色深色。七 名字。汤姆格林史密斯莉莉露...


abstract v,adj,n 提取,抽象的,文摘。accelerate v 加速。accomplish v 完成。accustom v 习惯于。adequate adj 足够的。administration n 管理。alarm n 闹铃v 警告。alter 转化,转变。ambitious ad...


大学英语四级听力长 短对话高频词汇。1.校园生活场景借书 index索引reading assignment阅读任务。volume 书 部,卷,册,合订本on the upper shelf在书架上方a library catalogue图书馆书目教授和学生关系 academic year学年ins...