
发布 2021-06-03 22:25:28 阅读 2666

unit 1

在人们家中in people’s home用电脑on computers

将来in the future

免费的be free

活到200 岁live to be 200 years old一百年之后in 100 years

更多/更少的树more/fewer trees更多/更少的污染more/less pollution更少使用……use ……less

更多使用…use sth a lot

使用某物做某事use sth to do

乘坐火箭到月球fly rockets to the moon爱上…fall in love with…能够做某事be able to do sth世界杯the world cup

实现come true

预言未来predict the future数以百计的hundreds of

拥有自己的机器人h**e one’s own robot科幻**science fiction movies与…做同样的事do the same things as sb叫醒某人wake sb up

与…交朋友make friends with sb一遍又一遍地over and over again做某事有趣be fun to do sth在25年到50年之后in 25 to 50 yearsunit 2

挡住;阻止…进入keep out

与…某人争吵argue with sb about sthh**e an argument with sb顺便说一下by the way

把…声音放得太大play…too loud给…打**call sb up

一场球赛的票a ticket to a ball game使…惊讶surprise sb

不知道h**e no idea=don’t know查明find out

请家教get a tutor

邀请某人去做某事invite sb to do sth把某物落在家里le**e sth at home与…相处融洽get on well with sb与…相同的be the same as

在字典中查找…look up…in a dictionary与…比较compare with

向…抱怨某事complain to sb about sth直到…才…not…until

尽可能的 as …as possible

总是在做某事be always doing到达arrive at/get to/reach一方面on the one hand

另一方面on the other handunit 3

在…前面in front of

在…的前部in the front of

睡懒觉sleep late

在**中交谈talk on the phone航天博物馆the museum of flight沿着街道走walk down/along the street起飞/脱下take off

有一次经历h**e an experience跟着某人做某事 follow sb to do对…感到惊讶be surprised/amazed at在树上in the tree/on the tree朝…喊叫shout to sb/shout at sb在医生的诊所at the doctor’s住院in hospital

记得做过某事remember doing st记得去做某事remember to do sth在历史上in history

听说hear about/of

沉默地做某事do sth in silence对…有意义h**e meaning to

环绕地球around the world

第一次做某事do sth for the first timeunit 4

生某人的气be mad at sb

首先first of all

理应做某事be supposed to do很抱歉做某事be sorry to do sth期末考试end-of-year exam

在某事方面费劲h**e a hard time with捎去某人的问候send one’s love抄袭别人的copy others’

传些口信pass on some messages听起来像sound like

克服get over

派人去做某事send sb to do

海拔……米……meters above sea level使某人觉得恶心make sb feel sickunit 5

让某人进let in

把…拿走take away

在晚会期间during the party校大扫除school clean-up

环球旅行tr**el around the world谋生make a living doing sth似乎seem like sth/doing sth捐给慈善机构raise money to charity一直all the time

受伤get injured

实际上in fact

与某人度过时光spend time with sbunit 6

收集贝壳collect shells

你第一双滑冰鞋your first pair of skates募捐raise money

三年半three and a half yearsthree years and a half用光run out of

最常见的the most common

想起think of

省会the capital of

具有丰富的历史with a colorful history苏联风格in russian style

受到…的欢迎be welcomed by

越…越the+比较级…the +比较。

确信be certain that/to dounit 7

介意做某事mind doing sth

调小/大turn down/up

从…里出来get out of

立即right away/at once/in a minute在开会be at the meeting

帮某人做某事help sb do/with sth恼怒get annoyed

到处跟着我follow me around碰巧发生在某人身上happen to sb试着不做某事try not to do sth插队cut in line

讲英语的国家english-speaking country压低你的声音keep your voice down即使even if

熄灭香烟put out the cigarette扔垃圾drop litter

捡起pick up

当众in public

unit 8

做一顿特别的饭make a special meal大腹便便的猪a pot-bellied pig带某人出去take sb out to do睡着fall asleep

赠送give away

通过不同的方式in different ways在舞台上on stage

取得进步make progress

讲本族语的人native speakers使某对某事感兴趣make sb interested inunit 9

太空博物院 space museum

游乐场 amusement park

曾经到过某个地方 h**e been to到某个地方去了 h**e gone to

呆在某个地方 h**e been in

既不也不;两者都不 neither nor迪斯尼人物 disney character主题公园 a theme park

以┉为主题 be themed by

四处走动 walk around

迪斯尼巡游 disney cruise

兜风 take a ride

在船上 on board

结束 end up

象…这样的 such as

胜于,而不是 rather than

四分之三 three quarters

三分之一 one third

做某事有困难 h**e some problem doing不管还是;whether or

unit 10

闲聊 small talk

浏览;粗略看一遍 look through穿过一条繁忙的街道 cross a busy street感谢函 thank-you note

想要 feel like

出现;陪伴 come along

融洽相处get along

至少 at least


1.an old people s home 养老院。2.help out with sth.帮助解决困难。3.used to 曾经 过去常常。4.care for 关心 照顾。5.the look of joy 快乐的表情。6.at the age of 在。岁时。7.clean up 打扫 或清...


1 what action should theysuch a thing happen again?a.do stopping b.do to stop c.take stopping d.take to stop 2 winter is my f orite.it s a beautiful s...


初二 新人教版八年级下册课本重点短语全在初中英语。unit 1 what s the matter?a fever 发烧。a cough 咳嗽。a toothache牙疼。too much说得太多。enough water 喝足够的水。a cold 受凉 感冒。a stomachache 胃疼。a ...