
发布 2021-06-03 19:21:28 阅读 9713

unit1 how can we become good learners?短语归纳。

1. 通过小组合作来学习study by working with a group

2. 制作单词卡片make word cards

3. 读教科书read the textbook

4. 向… 学习learn from

5. 自学learn by oneself=teach oneself

6. 看录像带watch videos

7. 练习做某事practice doing

8. 向老师寻求帮助ask the teacher for help

9. 为考试学习study for a test

10. 口语/阅读/写作技能speaking/reading/writing skills

11. 提高我口语技能improve my speaking skills

12. 英语口语spoken english

13. 和某人对话h**e conversations with sb.

14. 大声朗读来练习发音read aloud to practice pronunciation

15. 完成做某事finish doing sth

16. 学到很多learn a lot

17. 学新单词learn new words

18. 用那种方式in)that way

19. 有点紧张a little nervous

20. 紧张的,有压力的be stressed out

21. 作报告give a report

22. 抓住主要思想get main ideas

23. 首先at first

24. 一个词一个词word by word

25. 一点一点,逐渐的bit by bit/little by little

26. 读词组read word groups

27. 对…有耐心be patient with

28. 发现做……是…样的find it +adj. +to do sth.

29. 语言学习的秘诀the secret to language learning

30. 像be like/look like

31. 如此……以至于so+ adj.+ that +从句。

32. 以便,为了so that+从句=in order that+从句。

33. 大部分时间most of the time

34. 害怕/不敢做某事be afraid to do sth.

35. 不情愿/不希望做某事be afraid of doing

36. 因为我糟糕的发音because of my bad pronunciation

37. 躲在教科书的后面hide behind the textbook

38. 一天one day(过去/将来)=someday

39. 一部叫《玩具总动员》的英文电影 an english movie called toy story

40. 爱上fall/be in love with

41. 准备考试study/prepare for a test

42. 肢体语言body language

43. 他们的面部表情the expressions on the their faces

44. 记下关键词write down the key words

45. 也,还as well

46. 留心听listen for

47. 小菜一碟it’s a piece of cake.

48. 自作自受、活该it serves you right.

49. 熟能生巧practice makes perfect.

50. 查字典look a word up in a dictionary

51. 用英语记笔记take notes in english

52. 用英语记日记keep diary in english

53. 给某人写电子邮件write e-mails to sb.

54. 记句式、句型memorize sentence patterns

55. 对…有更好的了解h**e a better understanding of

56. 犯语法错误make mistakes in grammar

57. 使发音正确get the pronunciation right

58. 取决于;依赖depend on

59. 在… 方面有共同之处h**e…in common

60. 专心;注意pat attention to

61. 把… 和…连接起来connect… with

62. 做…最好的方法the way to do/of doing

63. 向…解释explain…to

64. 以不同的方式in different ways

65. 独立,独自on your own=by one self

66. 代替,而不是instead of

67. 立刻,马上at once/right now/right away

68. 担心worry about/be worried about

69. 一再、反复、再三over and over again

70. 在课堂上in class

71. 与生俱来be born with

72. 学习能力the ability to learn

73. 有一个练习说英语的搭档h**e a partner to practice with

74. 变得无聊get bored

75. 相互,彼此each other

76. 发现,查明find out

77. 来自be from/come from

78. 即使,尽管even if / even though

79. …的速度the speed of


unit 1短语 句型。一 重点短语 1.ask sb.for help 请求某人的帮助 one s speaking skills 提髙某人说的能力 4.spoken english 英语口语 the main ideas 抓住主题 6.make word cards 制作单词卡片 7.liste...

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