
发布 2021-06-03 19:18:28 阅读 6456

介词短语:in the morning, in 2008, in june,in a hurry, arrive at/ in, be in survice/use, on a rainy morning, on the morning of, h**e a bad effect on sb, look down on, on mobile phone/the radio,


介词短语:in the morning, in 2008, in june,in a hurry, arrive at/ in, be in survice/use, on a rainy morning, on the morning of, h**e a bad effect on sb, look down on, on mobile phone/the radio, on her twentieth birthday, at eight o’clock, set up, put out, get on/ off, take off, put on, turn on/off, turn up/down, belong to, reply to, be of great value to,at the beginning(of), give up , give out, grow up,cheer sb up, try it/them on, help sb with sth, agree with sb, be strict with, chat with, get on well with, get along with, be filled with, share sth with sb, stay with sb, provide sth for sb, provide sb with sth, argue with sb, none of, a member of, remind of, the importance/ loss of, in the form of, think of,take care of, look up, put up, stay out (too) late, worry about, show off, raise money for, go across the street, between… and, come out, instead of, be proud of, put one’s effort into, get to, hear from, the sixtieth birthday of china, on the third sunday, be full of, donate to,from …to, in order to,the answer to, spend on, pay for, be late for , be good for, be famous for, wash away,hand it in on time, come out, come from, laugh at, show sb around, on foot, lend sth to sb, borrow sth from…, buy sb sth,buy sth for sb, look after…well, take good care of,on one side of…on the other side of, prefer sth to sth,含有动名词的短语:

be fond of doing, enjoy doing, devote oneself to doing sth, prefer doing sth to doing sth, h**e a good time doing sth,pay(no)attention to doing, be worth doing, be crazy about doing, be interested in doing sth, keep doing, practise doing, looking forward to (doing) sth, be good at doing, do well in doing, finish doing, forget /remember doing, stop doing, be busy doing, h**e problems/difficulty doing, stop/keep/prevent…(from)doing, thanks for doing sth,


would rather do sth than do sth, would rather not do sth, be able to do sth, had better(not) do,make sb do,help sb do, see/hear sb do, let sb do,


want to do, ask sb to do,tell sb to do sth, advise sb to do, seem to do, try (one’ s best )to do, teach sb to do , decide to do, forget /remember to do, can’ t wait to do, would like to do, allow to do, stop to do, invite sb to do, take action to do, h**e sth to eat/ drink,


used to do, be used to doing sth, fall asleep, feel sleepy, four million/thousand, millions/thousands of, much too, too much, hear& listen to, stay at home alone, le**e sb alone, feel lonely, play football/basketball, play the violin/piano, play cards/ chess, two more books, another two books, be made of/ from/ in,其他:

not…until, not only…but also, not… any more, more and more beautiful,much taller,something serious, teach oneself, learn by oneself, say to oneself, hurt oneself, be covered live, enjoy the beauty of,be carefull, as quickily as possible, for example, find …adj., take place, either…or, a big success, an eight—year—old boy, make a decision, keep healthy, take …for a walk, take a good rest, h**e breakfast / lunch / supper / dinner, make a mistake, by mistake, three fifths, be chosen as /to be , be grateful to, h**e a sense of humour, be the same as, be different from, h**e a good time, the places of interest, first of all, by the way, as a result, in fact, people in need/ trouble, a friend of mine, too…to,九年级英语完成句子专练(一)


___my surprise,he hasalready.


the staff made a difficult __


from this year on students won'ttheir study


the chinese government asks people toprotecting the environment.

5爸爸已经决定戒烟了 father hassmoking.

6. 尽管我学习不好,但我从未放弃过。

i didn’t do well in my lessons, ig**e up.

7. 鲍勃将跳远的世界纪录保持了多久?

how long did bobthe worldin the long jump?

8. 听到那悲伤的消息,他忍不住哭了。

he couldn’twhen he heard the sad news.

9. 当我到达火车站时火车已经开走了。

the trainwhen i got to the train station.

10. 如果每个人都能为保护环境做出自己的贡献,这个世界将变得更加美好。

the world will become much more beautiful if everyonea contribution tothe environment.


above prep.adj.在 之上 超过 大于,多于 上面的 短语 all 最重要的。above all,the work must be finished before nine by ourselves.最重要的是工作必须在九点之前由我们自己独立完成。注意 above的反义词为below a...


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