
发布 2021-06-03 18:40:28 阅读 2756



1. your puter is __to the behind b. on c.

in d. next2 the map is __the wall __our on; on b. of; on c.

on; at d. on; of3 look! the window is __the wall and the picture is __the on; on b.

in; in c. in; on d. on; in4-where is my ball?

i can’t see it. look! it’s __the door.

a. on b. in c.

at d. behind5. sally is very happy.

there is a big smile __her face.

a. onb. to

c. ind. at6. my father is ill (生病), he is __

a. in bed

b. in the bed

c. on bed

d. on the bed7. there is a map of china __the wall in the classroom.

a. inb. on

c. under

d. at8. there are three windows __the

b. onc. at

d. to9. there are many oranges __the tree. a bird __the tree is eating anorange.

a. in; on

b. on; on

c. in; in

d. on; in10.-what time do you usually go to bed?-i usually go to bed __11:00.

a. inb. on

c. atd. for11. we can see __old bike __the tree.

a. a; under

b. the; at

c. an; in

d. an; under12. my hats and coats are __

a. on the bed

b. under desk

c. in room

d. under the my put up a map __the back wall because there was a hole __on; on b. at; in c.

on; in d. on; 't read __the sun.

a. atb. under

c. with

d. in15. the boat is passing___the through

b. below

c. under

d. across[真题]1.—my green ring is in the room. what about yours?(2014 xx江汉期中)

a. it’s red

b. it’s on the table

2. there are 30 classroomsour school. mine isthesecond floor.(2014 xx江阴期中)

a. on; in

b. in; in

c. in; on

d. on; on

3. i h**e a friend and my friend ischina.(2014 xx期中)

a. inb. at

c. ond. underiii.用适当的介词填空。

1. a boy is __the tree.

2. can you pick(摘) the apples __the tree?3.

there is a picture __the wall.4. there are two windows __the wall.

5. i live __shanghai.ⅳ.


tom’s room

it’s small but nice. a puter and some cds are on thedesk. his is on the floor.

sally’s room

it’ some flowers are on the desk. where is her schoolbag? oh, it’s onthe chair.

we can’t see a hat on the bed, but we can see mimi, her cat.

the twins’ room

it’s big and nice. two pencil cases are on the desk. many books are on thebookcase.

it’s a big bed near the bookcase. one backpack is on thefloor, andthe other is on the chair. the jackets are behind the door.

a picture of theirfather and mother is on the wall.1.

tom’s id card is __his bed, and his shoesare __the bed.2.

sally’s cat isher bed. her schoolbag is __the chair.3.

the bookcase isthe twins’ room. the big bed is __the door.

two pencil cases arethe chair in the twins’ room.

a picture of the twins’ parents is___the wall.


1. on the sofa

2. under the table

3. in your backpack

4. in the drawer

5. in front of the classroomⅱ.单项选择。

1. d。本句子是考查介词的用法,但是,介词behind,on,in的后面用冠词the和名词、冠词、介词短语,不和to连用,所以本句子是用形容词next和to连用表示“紧挨着、在旁边”的意思。

2. d。本句子用介词on和冠词the,名词wall构成介词短语表示“在墙上”的意思,后面用介词of构成名词所有格,表示所属关系,表示无生命的名词所有格的形式用of,而不用’s形式。

3. c。本句子是考查介词的用法,表示在某物的表面之上用介词on;表示在某物内部用介词in。窗户是在墙的里面所以用介词in;画是贴在墙的表面上,与墙接触,所以用介2/3词on。

4. d。从对话前面的句子i can’t see it.和问句可以判断后面的句子是用介词behind表示“在门的后面”,所以选择d是比较符合对话的上下句子意思和情景。

5. a。句意:“sally非常开心,她脸上满脸微笑。”“在……上”用介词on。

6. a。in bed表示“卧床(睡觉)”,此时bed前无需加冠词。

7. b。地图在墙上,故用介词on。

8. a。窗户是嵌在墙里面的,故应该用介词in。

9. d。长在树上的东西用on;外来的东西用in。

10. c。点钟前用介词at。

11. d。句意:“我们可以看见树下有一辆旧自行车。”;一辆自行车”,故选不定冠词,用因为old以原音开头,所以选an; “在……底下”用介词“under”。

12. a。可数名词的前面应该加冠词,所以排除b,c项;已经有代词修饰时前面不用再加冠词,故排除d项;因此选a。

13. c。地图在墙的表面用介词on;洞是在墙里面,用介词in。

14. d。句意:“不要在阳光下读书。”;在阳光下不用under用in。

15. c。船从桥下经过,用介词under。

真题]1. b。由问句“你的耳环在哪?”可知,选择b,表示方位,意为“在桌子上”。










1. on; under

2. on; on

3. in; behind

4. on5. on


巩固练习 把下列词组翻译成英语。1.在沙发上。2.在桌子底下。3.在你的背包里。4.在抽屉里。5.在教室 外部 前面。单项选则。1.your computer is to the door.a.behind b.on c.in d.next 2 the map is the wall our cla...

常用方位介词和短语 巩固练习

巩固练习 把下列词组翻译成英语。1.在沙发上。2.在桌子底下。3.在你的背包里。4.在抽屉里。5.在教室 外部 前面。单项选则。1.your computer is to the door.a.behind b.on c.in d.next 2 the map is the wall our cla...

常用方位介词和短语 巩固练习

感谢您选择名昊教育,名昊内部教学资料助力您成绩突飞猛进!巩固练习 把下列词组翻译成英语。1.在沙发上2.在桌子底下3.在你的背包里4.在抽屉里5.在教室 外部 前面单项选则。1.your computer is to the door.a.behind b.onc.in d.next2 the ma...