
发布 2021-06-02 20:07:28 阅读 5232





a. 礼貌原则。


do you think i can use your car for one day?

a. i’m afraid notb. no, you can’t.

c. i won’t let you do thatd. absolutely not.


礼貌原则还表现在拒绝一个请求的方式上:一种是委婉地回绝,上面例子“i’m afraid


i would like to,but…

that’s a good idea,but…

b. 利他原则。


i am going to the city hall, can you tell me how to get there, madam?

a. no, you don’t know

b. i don’t know.

c. yes, you will.

d. sorry, i am new here too. but you can ask the policeman over there.


c. 文化遵从原则。


mary, your dress is really beautiful. how is john?

a. thank you very muchb. no, no, john is not bad

c. thank you. he is fined. don’t say that. it’s ugly. john is good

解析:按照英美国家的文化,当受到他人的赞扬时,应该真诚地表示感谢,这也是对说话人的尊重。如果一味谦虚说“不、没有、还差得远”等,反而就不礼貌了, 这与中国人的习惯和思维不太一样,所以选c。







1)— mary, are you and your husband busy this weekend?

a. this weekend we may go to cinema b. no, we’re not

c. oh, it’s none of your businessd. welcome to our party

讲解:mary 的问题包含了“忙不忙”的询问,她可能想邀请对方作点什么。选项a属于上述d 的情况,虽然与提问句的主题有关,但并未直接提供“忙”还是“不忙”的信息;c 回答很不客气,显然违反礼貌原则;d 与谈话主题无关,最后只剩下b是答案。

2)— you are not the manager here, are you?

a. yes, i’m notb. no, i am c. yes, i amd. no, not at all

讲解: 选项a,b 都属于本身语法错误,不看发问句也可以排除。d 语法无错,但不能提供发问句要求的信息,属错项,答案是c。



例如:3)—would you like another slice of christmas cake?

i’m full.

a. yes, pleaseb. no more, thanks.

c. why notd. nothing more.

讲解:第一说话人询问对方“你要不要再吃一块圣诞蛋糕?”,根据答者的第二句话i’m full.

“我吃饱了”,推断出前一句的答语应该是no more, thanks“吃不下了,谢谢”。而选项a,c表示接受邀请,d表示“没有什么(要说/做)的了”,均不符合题意,可直接排除。所以选b。


1、i'm going to beijing next week, you know it's one of the most beautiful cities in china.

a:enjoy yourself b:it's a pleasure

c:good luckd:very good

答案:a2、our class won the girls' relay race in our school's sports meeting.

a:that's right. b:thanks a lot.

c:congratulations! d:it's a pleasure.

答案:c3、jim, please don't put your head out of the window on the bus. it's dangerous!

a:good ideab:sorry, i won't do it again.

c:it doesn't matterd:it's good.

答案:b4、when did you move to america?

a:three years ago. b:about three years.

c:next yeard:this year.

答案:a5、don't forget to come to my party this evening!

a:i can't. b:i won't.

c:i don't. d:i will.

答案:b6、did you use to play the piano?

a:yes, i dob:no, i didn't.

c:yes, i play it every day. d:no, i do.

答案:b7、what would you like to drink?

a:thanks a lotb:be quick.

c:a glass of milk, please. d:i'm sorry.

答案:c8、how much is that meat, please?

a:ten o'clockb:ten yuan a kilo.

c:i like it very much. d:i don't like.

答案:b9、where is kate?

a:she's in englandb:she's from london.

c:she's a nurse in england. d:she is english.

答案:a10、-could i borrow your car, please?

a:good idea. b:no hurry.

c:with pleasure. d:no surprise.

答案:c11、i'm sorry to h**e kept you waiting.

a:it doesn't matter. b:forget it.

c:my pleasured:it's nice of you.

答案:a12、i missed yesterday's football final.

a:it's a good ideab:what a pity!

c:remember to bring it next time. d:i'm glad to hear that.

答案:b13、do you prefer tea or coffee?

a:milkb:yes, i like tea.

c:coffee, please. d:none.


2010 09英语b统考冲刺题 交际英语。交际用语的答题方法。一 答语的三个原则。在学习 使用和复习交际用语部分时,大家要掌握使用交际用语的几个原则 a.礼貌原则。无论在任何场合 表达什么看法 情感,发话 发问和应答都要有礼貌,即使表达不同看法或批评意见,也要委婉间接表达,使对方听起来不刺耳,例如 ...


2010 09英语b统考冲刺题 交际英语。交际用语的答题方法。一 答语的三个原则。在学习 使用和复习交际用语部分时,大家要掌握使用交际用语的几个原则 a.礼貌原则。无论在任何场合 表达什么看法 情感,发话 发问和应答都要有礼貌,即使表达不同看法或批评意见,也要委婉间接表达,使对方听起来不刺耳,例如 ...

英语B统考冲刺题 交际英语

交际用语的答题方法。一 答语的三个原则。在学习 使用和复习交际用语部分时,大家要掌握使用交际用语的几个原则 a.礼貌原则。无论在任何场合 表达什么看法 情感,发话 发问和应答都要有礼貌,即使表达不同看法或批评意见,也要委婉间接表达,使对方听起来不刺耳,例如 do you think i can us...