
发布 2021-06-02 19:28:28 阅读 6727




(1) 副词here, there, then, now, next,等至于句首时:

yourturn comesnow. now comes your turn。

edward and his wife came next. next

came edward and his wife。

a ticket for you is here. here

is a ticket for you。

notes: 主语为代词时,不用倒装。

he comes now. now he comes。

(2) 表地点的介词短语置于句首时:

an old man sat in front of thehouse. in front of the house sat an old man。

a beautiful lake lies at the foot ofthe hill. at the foot of the hill lies a beautiful lake。

some students are sitting under thetree. under the tree are sitting somestudents。

notes: 主语为代词时,不用倒装。

he came in again. in he came again。

he sat in front of thehouse. in front of the house he sat。

(3) 方位副词off, away, up, in, down等至于句首时:

the horse went off. off

went the horse。

the prices went up. up

went the prices。

the bird flew away. away

flew the bird。

notes: 主语为代词时,不用倒装。

(4) 形容词/形容词短语/现在分词短语/过去分词短语做句子的表语位于句首时:(此时句中的谓语动词往往是系动词,包括be动词,持续系动词:keep, remain, stay等,感官系动词:

feel, smell, sound, taste,变化系动词:become, go, get等。)

mr. white and manyother friends were present at the meeting. present at the meeting were and many other friends。

aboy was lying on the floor. lyingon the floor was a boy。


within taylor’sdefinition is the concept that culture islearned, shared, and patterned beh**ior. (2023年英译汉)

分析:这里是完全倒装,倒装结构是上述的(4):形容词短语(implicitwithin taylor’s definition)作表语置于句首。


the core of this debate is chairman gerald levin, 56, who took over for the late steve rossin 1992. (2023年阅读)

分析:这里是完全倒装,倒装结构是上述的(2):表地点的介词短语(atthe core of this debate)置于句首。

译文:这场争论的核心人物是现年56岁的主席geraldlevin。他于2023年接替已故的steve ross。

from the 1980census is the picture of a nation developingmore and more regional competition, as population growth in the northeast andmidwest reaches a near standstill。

分析:这里是完全倒装,倒装结构是上述的(4):现在分词短语(emergingfrom the 1980 census)作表语置于句首。





1. 并列结构。



2. 并列连词。

英语有三个主要的并列连词:and,or, but

关联并列连词:both…and,either…or, not…but, not…nor, neither…nor, not only…but also

近似并列连词:as wellas, as much as, rather than, more than

三个词项:nor,so, yet

3. 并列结构中的省略现象。


a. 共同主语的省略。

(1) thetown offers better cultural advantages than (it) has been generally supposed。

(2) as families move away from their stable community, their friendsof many years, their extended family relationships, the informal flow ofinformation is cut off, and with it the confidence that information will be**ailable when needed and (information) will be trustworthy and reliable。

b. 共同主动词、助动词或情态动词的省略。

(3) johnmust h**e been playing football and mary (must h**e been) doing her homework。

(4) johnshould clean the shed and peter (should) mow the lawn。

(5) failinghips can be replaced, clinical depression (can be) controlled, cataracts (canbe) removed in a 30-minute surgical procedure。

(6) hedrives faster than you (do)。

(7) sheplays with him as a cat (plays) with a mouse。

c. 共同主语、谓语的省略。

(8) itis said that in england death ispressing, in canada (death is) inevitable and in california (death is)optional。

(9) tomhates him as much as (he hates) me。

i h**e always lived more in the future than (i h**e lived) in the present。

d. 共同主动词及其补足成分的省略。

gorge will take the course and bob might (take the course) too。

john was the winner in 1989, and bob (was the winner) in 1990.

e. 共同表语的省略。

they were as anxious as he was (anxious)。


第三章计划。计划职能是一项最基本的管理职能,它在管理的各项职能中居于主导地位。本章主要论述了计划工作的含义和类型 计划工作的程序以及制定计划的方法等。第一部分内容提要。一 计划工作的含义。计划工作有广义和狭义之分。广义的计划工作,是指包括制定计划 执行计划和检查计划执 况三个环节在内的工作过程。狭义...


4.根据计划内容的不同,可以将计划分为专项计划和综合计划两种。专项计划是指为完成某一特定任务而拟定的计划。综合计划是指对组织活动所作的整体安排。5 根据计划内容的表现形式不同,可以将其分为宗旨 目标 策略 政策 程序 规划 预算等几种类型。宗旨是指组织要从事什么样的事业,成为什么性质的组织。目标是组...


8.月亮上来了。9.是一轮灿烂的满月。它像一面光辉四射的银盘似的,从那平静的大海里涌了出来。8大海里,闪烁着一片鱼鳞似的银波。沙滩上,也突然明亮了起来,一片片坐着 卧着 走着的人影,看得清清楚楚了。嗬!海滩上,居然有这么多的人在乘凉。说话声 欢笑声 唱歌声 嘻闹声,响彻了整个的海滩。9 6 10.月...