
发布 2021-05-28 19:41:28 阅读 4716



strive for the upper reaches, never say defeat.2、努力拼搏,永夺第一。

work hard and take the first place.3、劳动光荣,创造伟大。

the glory of labor, the creation of greatness.4、猛虎出山,锐不可当。

the fierce tiger es out of the mountain.5、挥洒汗水,缔造传奇。

sweat and create a legend.6、团结拼搏,争创佳绩。

unite to strive for success.7、精彩无限,尽在球场。

it’s wonderful. it’s on the court.


a horse gold saddle is the only one.9、鼎足球场,追求未来。

the football field, the pursuit of the future.10、团结奋进,再创佳绩。

unite and strive for good achievements.11、赛出风格,赛出水平。

play out the style and play out the level.12、更强我能,更快更高。

stronger i can, faster and higher.13、团结审慎,明理诚信。

unity and prudence, honesty and integrity.14、逢投必进,精彩我秀。

when you h**e to invest, it’s a wonderful show.


show yourself and be creative.16、爱我实中,赛出水平。

love me, play out.17、展现自我,争创新高。

show yourself and create a new high.18、健康第一,从我做起。

health first, start from me.19、挑战自我,超越梦想。

challenge yourself and surpass the dream.20、赛出成绩,安全第一。

the result of the match is safety first.21、挑战自我,突破极限。

challenge yourself and break through the limit.22、锻炼身体,增强体质。

exercise the body, strengthen the constitution.23、追梦扬威,奋勇争先。

after the dream, we will strive for the first.24、团结拼搏,奋发向上。

unity and struggle, go up.25、挑战新高,献礼中华。

challenge new high, give gift to china.26、千里之行,始于足下。

a journey of a thousand miles begins with a foot.27、求真求确,比遂比专。

seeking truth is more accurate than acplished.28、全城热捧,踢出快乐。

the whole city is hot and kicked out of pleasure.29、奋发拼搏,勇于开拓。

strive to strive, the courage to open up.30、奋勇拼搏,永创辉煌。

fight br**ely and create brilliance forever.31、青春无畏,逐梦扬威。

the youth is fearless, and the dream is carried out.32、团结拼搏,勇往直前。

unite and fight, go forward.33、运动起来,勇敢第一。

move, be br**e first.34、我精彩,我运动。

i’m wonderful, i exercise.


rejuvenation of china and the level of petition.36、智慧拼搏,快乐竞争。

wisdom struggle, happy petition.37、努力拼搏,永不言败。

hard work, never say defeat.38、奥运精神,永驻我心。

the spirit of the olympic games is forever in my heart.39、团结互助,共创佳绩。

unite and help each other to create good achievements.40、强身健体,立志成材。

a strong body is made up.41、三分线外,手起足落。

out of the three line, the hand rises and falls.42、以舞会友,舞动人生。

dance life with a ball friend.43、团结拼搏,拼搏进取。

unity and struggle, struggle and enterprising.44、抢出精神,拼出风格。

snatch the spirit, spell out the style.45、文明守纪,拥抱胜利。

civilization and discipline, embrace victory.46、厚德载物,天道酬勤。

he**y duty, natural reward.47、山不在高,有爱则名。

the mountain is not high, and the name of love.48、努力奋斗,勇敢争先。

work hard and strive for the first.


同舟共济,风雨同船,拼搏进取,铸就辉煌。下面我们来看看英语决赛参赛口号,仅供大家参考!1 力争上游,永不言败。strive for the upper reaches,never say defeat.2 努力拼搏,永夺第一。work hard and take the first place.3 ...


导读 本文。演讲比赛参赛口号 1 1 求真求确,比遂比专。2 勇攀巅峰,敢为人先。3 更强我能 更快更高。4 仰不愧天,俯不怍人。5 政管学子,叱咤风云。6 燃烧激情,沸腾理想。7 虎踞龙盘今胜昔,冶金学子争第一。8 学数学,做新世纪人才。9 激情飞扬,信物精彩。10 青春无畏,逐梦扬威。11 超越...


导读 本文。求真求确。比遂比专。下面是留学网为您整理的演讲比赛参赛口号50条,供您参考!演讲比赛参赛口号50条。1 求真求确。比遂比专。2 勇攀巅峰。敢为人先。3 更强我能 更快更高。4 仰不愧天,俯不怍人。5 政管学子,叱咤风云。6 燃烧激情,沸腾理想。7 虎踞龙盘今胜昔,冶金学子争第一。8 学数...