whenever the bells in class, i am looking forward to the coming of this class, when the teacher came in holding a book, i will smile one by one. holding the joyful mood, carefully into the most profound words, this is my f**orite - language lesson.
the bell rang, slowly campuses around the breath of quiet. chinese teacher came into the class holding the book, she bring elegant into the classroom, silent to my dry heart, get a little drizzle of literature. chew the extensive and profound, roaming in the endless endless sea of learning, thought is the wind, the knowledge is the sail, with me in the language of the ocean w**e by tao, br**ing the.
meng-gua in the thought of "do as you would be done by" rende; mr consider five willow "tori picking, carefree and see nanshan." the quiet. are carried into poetry, i saw the heroism in the fight against time; the prose of xu zhimo, i tr**eled to the beauty of cambridge.
the ancient and modern, chinese and foreign literature, are hidden in the words of the world.
every chinese class, like the sun, rain, moisten my heart the knowledge tree. language areas, account for a great corner in my heart, every time in chinese classes, feel and diligence, i want to follow a closed practice calligraphy, wang xizhi's determination and perseverance, explore literary world, to embrace the endless knowledge, think about the long history of text.
"not learn poems, beyond words." i want to learn chinese well, learn, and people's response to advance and retreat, learning attitude, in the knowledge of the flood, looking for the standpoint of right from wrong. chinese classes on my deep feeling, is really good.
我喜欢的老师有很多,比如陈老师 王老师 吴老师,但是我被另一位老师,班主任老师 深深地吸引了。这里有五篇描述我最喜欢的老师的文章,由边肖带来供你参考,希望能帮到你!我喜欢的老师。我喜欢我的老师尚。我的老师尚很漂亮。她留着长辫子,到处走!她的眼睛像说话一样大。等我做好了,尚老师的眼神对我说 你真棒。当...
有人喜欢语文,有人喜欢英语,还有人喜欢是 每个人的喜好都是独一无二的,而我却对数学情有独钟。小时候,妈妈带我去上数学课,那就是我跟数学的数学的第一次接触,当时我对数学一窍不通,于是老师就将基本的概念先教我,起初我觉得数学很难,因为都要一直加加减减很麻烦,因此我很不喜欢,简直比到了地狱还要惨,妈妈知道...
第1篇 我的爱好。大家好,我叫朱星俊,我来自东关小学,已经上三年级了。不又黑又长的头发,一对水汪汪的大眼睛,胖乎乎的身材,这就是我。我的爱好有打篮球 踢足球 我不喜欢玩刺激的游戏 有一次,我们学校举行了篮球比赛,我们打进了决赛,经过紧张激烈的角逐,终于,我们赢了!当时,我高兴得手舞足蹈,我心想 我们...