
发布 2021-05-27 02:28:28 阅读 3046





in this argument, the arguer concludes that…

to substantiate the conclusion, the arguer points out that…

in addition, the arguer assumes that / reasons that / cites the example of / cites the result of a recent study that…

a careful examination of this argument would reveal how groundless it is.


first of all, the argument is based on a false analogy. /the arguer simply assumes that… but he does not provide any evidence that … are indeed comparable. /as we know, …differ conspicuously.

/it is true that both… but even here exist fundamental differences:… therefore, even though…proved effective in doing… there is no guarantee that it will work just as well for…//as a result, a and b do not establish a warranted analogy. so we cannot safely assume that (两者无法比)

the author unfairly assumes that a bears some relation to b. /however, the author provides no evidence to support that this is the case, nor does the author establish a causal relationship between a and b. /it is highly possible that other factors might contribute to the b/change/progress.

/for example, …it is also likely b just resulted from … lacking evidence that links a to b, it is presumptuous to suggest that a was responsible for b. (无法建立必然的因果关系)


in conclusion, it must be explained that these three reasons sometimes intertwine to form an organic whole, thus becoming more persuasive than anyone of them. so, any thinking person must believe that…


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