每日雅思词汇 品酒大师必备词汇 优秀

发布 2021-05-25 17:24:28 阅读 1074


wines : it is produced after the fermentation process of grape juice is complete . it is said that the longer the aging process , the better it tastes .

abv - 9% to 16%.

葡萄酒:新鲜的葡萄或葡萄汁经发酵酿成的酒精饮料,酿造的时间越久,口感越好。酒精含量的体积百分比 abv :9%16%。

beers : beer is made after the fermenting and brewing process is done . the use of wheat , corn , barley , and rice is essential to make beer .

abv - 2% to 4%.

啤酒:以大麦芽、酒花、水为主要原料,经酵母发酵作用酿制而成的饱含二氧化碳的低酒精度酒。酒精含量的体积百分比 abv :2%4%。

spirits : it is simply a term used to describe unsweetened and distilled alcoholic beverages .


spirits include

brandy : short for brandy wine , this is a distilled wine . this drink is usually consumed after dinner .

abv - 30% to 60%.

白兰地酒:以水果为原料,经发酵、蒸馏制成的酒,通常所称的白兰地专指以葡萄为原料,通过发酵再蒸馏制成的酒。常在饭后饮用。酒精含量的体积百分比 abv :30%60%.


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