
发布 2021-05-25 16:48:28 阅读 4766



unit 1

several adj.& pron. 几个;若干。

核心拓展 ● snake(蛇) eve(前夕) rail(铁轨)

several times好几次 for several days好几天。

考点新探 the big house will cost __thousand pounds to repair.

a. several b. hundred c. little d. a little

abroad adv. 到国外;在国外。

核心拓展 ● from abroad 从国外, 从海外 live abroad住在国外。

at home and abroad在国内外 be all abroad茫然不解, 感到莫名其妙。

考点新探 the news soon spread __

a. in b. out c. home d. abroad

spoil v. 糟蹋。

核心拓展 ● 过去式/过去分词: spoiled/spoilt spoiled/spoilt

近义词:break(打破, 违犯) damage(招致损害) destroy(破坏)

a spoilt child 一个宠坏了的孩子。

考点新探 our holidays __spoil) because of the bad weather.

probably adv. 很可能;大概。

核心拓展 ● probable (adj.很可能的, 大概的) likely (adj.很可能的;adv.或许)

考点新探 -will you be able to come tomorrow

a. probable not b. probably not c. be not able to d. won’t

dictionary n.字典;词典。

核心拓展 ● cry(哭泣) dry(干燥) fry(油炸)

consult a dictionary 查字典 a chinese-english dictionary 汉英词典。

考点新探 can you __this word __the dictionary?

a. consult/in b. consult/from c. look up/in d. look up/from

subject n. 主题;科目。

核心拓展 ● sub(潜水艇) june(六月) ct

change the subject改变话题 on the subject of关于, 论及。

考点新探 maths is my f**ourite __at school.

a. subject b. class c. lesson d. study

sharpener n. 削刀; 铅笔刀。

核心拓展 ● sharp(尖锐的) sharpen(削尖;尖锐)

a pencil sharpener铅笔刀。

考点新探 she __sharp) her pencil with a knife.

unit 2

surf v. 冲浪。

核心拓展 ●surfboard(冲浪板) surfboat(破浪艇) surfer(冲浪运动员)

考点新探 last summer we __surf) in hawaii and had a wonderful time.

w**e n. 浪;波浪。

核心拓展 ● w**eless(没有浪的,平静的) w**elike(波浪般的,波状的)

考点新探 she __a w**e as she left the house.

a. g**e b. sent c. took d. brought

beach n. 海; (河、湖)滩。

核心拓展 ● coast(海岸) seaside(海边) shore(海滨)

考点新探 they went down __the beach for a swim.

twice adv. 两次;两倍。

核心拓展 ● once or twice 一两次。

考点新探 i work __as hard as him.

a. once b. twice c. two times d. once or twice

canoe v. 乘独木舟 n. 独木舟。

核心拓展 ● canoed(过去式) canoeing(现在分词)

考点新探 we crossed the lake __canoe.

describe v. 描述;叙述。

核心拓展 ● describe sb. as 把某人说成是(称作)

考点新探 this book gives a good __describe) of life on the moon.

especial adj. 特别的;尤其的。

核心拓展 ● special(特别的, 特殊的)

in especial特别, 格外, 尤其。

考点新探 –do you like chocolate? –not __

a. special b. especial c. in especial

attract v. 吸引。

核心拓展 ● act(行动、表演)

attraction(n.吸引, 吸引力)

attract attention 引起注意。

考点新探 a lot of foreign tourists __attract) by places of interest in china.

since adv.& conj. 此后;自…以来。

核心拓展 ● ever since 从那时起, 一直到现在 since then 其后, 从此一直。

考点新探 it __three years __we had been there.

a. has/since b. has been/since c. is/since d. was/since

olympic adj. 奥林匹克的。

核心拓展 ● pic (picture缩写)

olympic games & the olympics 奥林匹克运动会。

考点新探 the olympic games __hold)in our country in four years' time.

practice n.& v. 练习;实践。

核心拓展 ● in practice 实际上; 在不断练习中practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

考点新探 you need __practice before you can play for our team.

a. many b. more c. few d. fewer

business n. 商业;生意;事务。

核心拓展 ● businessman(从事商业者; 商人) do business with(同。做买卖/生意)

考点新探 lucy wants to go __business when she le**es college.

a. in b. into c. on d. onto

channel n. 海峡;航道;(广播的)频道;波段。

核心拓展 ● the english channel 英吉利海峡。

考点新探 they __a channel from the river to bring water to the field.

a. cut b. took c. put d. found

journey n. 旅程; 旅行; 路程。

核心拓展 ● trip((短途)旅行) tour(旅行, 游历) voyage(航海记, 旅行记)

h**e a pleasant journey 一帆风顺,一路平安。

make a journey(to) 到某处旅行, 作旅行。

考点新探 it is __from here to shanghai.

a. two days’s journey b. two days journey

c. a two-day journey d. a two days’ journey

proud adj. 自豪的;骄傲的。

核心拓展 ● be proud of 以。为荣; 以。自豪。

考点新探 henry is __proud of his son.

a. quite b. real c. possible d. even

unit 3

pour v. 倒;灌;倾泻。

核心拓展 ● pour down 倾泻。

考点新探 after the bell rang all the students __the classroom.


1.space station 太空站。例句 the spaceship will be locked onto the other side of the space station.宇宙飞船将紧紧地靠上太空站的另一边。飞行。例句 the aircraft was flying above the...


这里的词汇基础不仅仅是指对所学单词的读音 拼写和意义的掌握,还要懂得常用单词的前后搭配 近义词辨析及短语动词的区别等。中考单填空题涉及到 1 常用词的前后搭配。请看下面这道中考题 2 近义词细微差别,特别是近义动词 名词 形容词和副词的辨析。如常考的有 spend,cost,pay,take tal...

