英语专业四级 词汇 语法详细解答

发布 2021-05-25 08:41:28 阅读 3140

专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答 3

test sixteen



but for their help ,we wouldn’t h**e succeeded.

his progress wouldn’t h**e been made without arduous work.


i was too busy yesterday. otherwise i would h**e been here to see you.


anyone in his position would h**e done the same.


purpose, aim, goal, end







例如:he went to new york city for the mere purpose of seeing 42nd **enue.他去纽约只是为了看看四十二大道。

her aim is to marry a westerner and live abroad.她的目标是嫁给西方人,住到国外。

we h**e been fighting for one common goal.我们一直为了一个共同的目标奋斗。

he never achieved his end.他从未达到目的。


1. revolution means __the productive forces.

a. to liberate

b. liberated

c. liberate

d. liberating

2. variables such as individual and corporate beh**iour __nearly impossible for economists to forecast economic trend with precision.

a. make

b. make it

c. ******

d. makes it

3. home is home, _ever so homely.

a. it is

b. it were

c. be it

d. it be

4. mary is __than alice.

a. more experienceda teacher

b. a more experienced teacher

c. more an experienced teacher

experienced teacher

5. arriving at the bus stop, _waiting there.

a. a lot of people were

b. he found a lot of people

c. a lot of people

d. people were found

6. she has taken great pains to conceal her emotions, and thereby made them __conspicuous.

a. all the more

b. all the much

c. all more

d. all much

7. he didn’t go to the party, but he does wish he __there.

a. would be

b. has been

c. would h**e been

d. had been

8. it was recommended that passengers __smoke during the flight.

a. not

b. need not

c. could not

d. would not

9. only take such clothes __really necessary.

a. as were

b. as they are

c. as they were

d. as are

10. they lost their way in the forest, and __made matter worse was that night began to fall.

a. that

b. what

c. itd. which

11. bargaining can go on the whole day, or even several days, with the customer coming and going __

a. in places

b. at intervals

c. in person

d. at large

12. human beh**iour is mostly a product of learning, _the beh**ior of an animal depends mainly on instinct.

a. otherwise

b. whereas

c. unless

d. nevertheless

13. she __a little map for me on the back of my invitation.

b. slipped

c. sketched

d. worked

14. if someone is a witness, then he has to __in court.

a. augment

b. testify

c. certify

d. betray

15. richard’s news report covering the conference was so __that nothing had been omitted.

b. integrated

c. redundant

d. productive

16. teachers like students to be __and listens to what they are saying.

a. cordial

b. watchful

c. cumulative

d. attentive

17. the captain of the ship __the passengers that there was no danger.

a. assumed

b. insured

c. assured

d. ensured

18. the educational __of computers has not been fully realized.

a. version

b. value

c. quality

d. goal

19. is it possible to make an early __to h**e my hair cut tomorrow?

a. enrollment

b. engagement

c. appointment

d. arrangement

20. after i heard that i took a deferred pass in chemistry, i was in a __emotional state.

b. highly

d. nervously

21. since i could not see anything through the microscope, _my careful adjustment, i g**e up.

a. for all

b. above all

c. after all

d. in all

22. when the victorians had family reunions, the hosts __their way to entertain the guests.

a. went in for

b. went over

c. went out of

d. went back on

23. the washing machine factory guaranteed that all __parts would be replaced without charge.

a. disappearing

b. unused

c. defective

d. miss

24. it was reported that the __concerning the accident would be handled by the chief of police.

a. recording

b. gossip

c. exploration

d. inquiry

25. while they were away on vacation, they allowed their mail to __at the post office.

a. pile up

b. set up

c. turn up

d. mix up

1. d)句意】革命意味着解放生产力。


2. b)句意】个人和集体行为的变化使得经济学家几乎不可能精确地**经济发展趋势。

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