
发布 2021-05-24 20:59:28 阅读 1095

说明:本试卷共5页, 共11大题, 145小题,全卷共150分。


注意事项:1. 考生务必将自己的姓名、考号、辅导教师姓名、班别、学校写在密封线以内相应的位置上。

2. 考生务必用蓝(黑)色刚笔(圆珠笔),将答案写在答题卷相应的位置上, 答在试题卷上无效。

i.完成下面的词迷。(共10小题, 每小题1分, 满分10分)

1. people in britain refer to toilet as the

3. relating to the whole country rather than a part of it or the world.

5. someone who iscan’t use a part of his / her body properly.

7. oil and water don’t

9. ais a piece of useful advice.

10. all the riverseastward into the sea.

2. a fully-grown person or animal.

4. a man who is good-looking is

6. someone who isis true to his / her friends, or his/her country.

8. ais a piece of thick, soft cloth that you use to dry yourself after a wash or a bath.

ii. 根据所给单词和要求,写出词性不同的单词。(共15小题, 每小题1分, 满分15分)

11.excite n12. adventure adj

13. base adj14. situate n

15. major n16. cruel n

17. breath v18. pollution v

19. equality adv20. honest n

21. desert adj22. actor n: (femaile

23. recreate n24. peace adv

25. limit adv

iii. 根据以下句子的意思,以及汉语提示, 完成下列句子。(共15小题, 每小题1分, 满分15分)

26. as a matter of fact, we不同意) with his plan. as a result, he had to give it up.

27. i hope you will成功) in giving a presentation.

28. thousands of art masterpieces包括)the most famous paintings were missing during the war time.

29. we know more about what导致) dangers, so we are taking measures before it is too late.

h**e changed our beh**iour and the way we交流).

31. we should keep up old传统 ) that are still beneficial to our new generations.

32. the disabled people should be尊敬) and taken good care of.

33. you h**e to make a选择) on whether you go climbing with me or stay at home.

34. kuaanza was created in 1960 when african americans庆祝)their history and culture.

35..“the lord of the rings” is about a魔力的) ring that made its holders invisible (看不见)

36. take are. hold up your arm which is流血).

37. you can look for more new stamps to add to your收藏)。

38. they were trying every effort in寻找) for the exhibit that was missing.

39. when the party was over, they went off各自地).

40. generally speaking, seaside cities h**e both beautiful views and good climate. visitors will find it舒服的) to relax themselves there.

iv. 根据下列句子以及所给出的单词的首字母, 完成下列句子。(共15小题, 每小题1分, 满分15分)

41. english is the lthat is spoken in many countries in the world.

42.- i’m going to egypt next week for my holiday.

- a nice trip and h**e f

43. actually i h**e never seen snow. so i can’t tell you whether i like the sport of sor not.

44. although he was seriously wounded, he was the lucky dog. he was the only one who

sfrom the air crash.

45.- can i know your name and aplease?

sure. john yang. number 16, victorious street.

46. nowadays people can interact in many ways besides face-to-face c

47. when the clock stwelve, i began to cry.

48. a wis a person who works extremely hard.

49. will you pass me the dictionary? the shelf is too high for me to r

50. in my onot one less is a film that only reflects(反映) the poverty of some backward places in china.

51. tommy, you are a man of nine. you should h**e minded your table mwith so many people sitting around.

52. it’s investigated(调查)that most teenagers would not like to wear their school uon weekends.


1 拆分法。a 将生词拆分成小部分并且每部分都有一定的意思 b 将几部分组合成一个合理的场景 注意 根据自己的背景拆分,联想不限于任何的形式 拆分法的特点 当形成一个很好的拆分形式,非常容易记住生词的意思。例 peacock 孔雀 pea 豌豆 cock 公鸡。enterprise 企业 enter...


班级姓名 1.下国际象棋。2.参加艺术俱乐部。3.说英语。4.跟 说。5.敲鼓。6.弹钢琴。7.拉小提琴。8.be good at be good for be good with 9.结交朋友。10.在某方面帮助 某人。11.在 周末。12.起床 站起。13.穿上衣服。14.洗淋浴。15.广播电台...


限1 no to对 说 不 a ride希望搭乘 on me.我请客 one s throat清嗓子。假期take a month s paid le e带薪休假一个月 in and day out每天地,日复一日地day and night夜以继日地。财富livewithintheirmeans ...