1. 垃圾;废弃物 r2. 折叠;对折 f3. 扫;打扫 s
4. 杂乱;不整洁 m5. 地板 f6. 扔;掷 t
7. 给;递;走过;通过 p8. 也不 n9. 衬衫 s
10. 借给;借出 l11. 借;借用 b12. 手指 f
13. 杂务;乏味无聊的工作 c14. 厌恶;讨厌 h15. 而且;加之 a
16. 心;小吃;快餐 s17. 提供;** p18. 依靠;信赖 d
19. 精神压力;心理负担 s20. 发展;壮大 d21. 独立 i
22. 合理的;公正的 f23. 邻居 n24. 落下;掉下 d
25. 公正性;合理性 f26. 不合理的;不公正的 u
27. 有病;不舒服i28. 与…同时;当…的时候;而;然而 w
29. 独立的;自主的 d30. 浪费;垃圾;浪费;滥用 w
31. 因为;既然 ;从……以后;自……以来s
1. could you please help out with a few things?
2. could i at least finish watching this show?
3. could you please take the dog for a walk?
4. she did not do any housework and neither did i.
5. neither of us did any housework for a week.
6. he looked at me in surprise
7. the minute i sat down in front of the tv,my mom came over.
8. my mom came over as soon as i sat down in front of the tv.
9. i cut my finger and i’m trying not to get it wet.
10. housework is a waste of their time.
11. there is no need for them to do it now.
12. it’s not enough to just get good grades at school.
13. doing chores helps to develop children’s independence.
14. the earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for them.
15. children these days depend on their parents too much.
16. kids these days already h**e enough stress from school.
17. “what happened ?”she asked in surprise.
18. i’m just as tired as you are.
19. i dot not mind doing chores.
20. as a result, he often fell ill and his grades dropped.
21. anyway, i think doing chores is not so difficult.
unit 3,module4 班级 姓名。以 为背景。幸福感。使某人能做某事 传递。成千上万的。与 相连接。提出 观点 议案等 实际上。使历史再现。最后但同样重要的。被控告犯有 罪。建立,竖立。关闭,使倒闭。给某人留下 赚取利润。虚拟旅行。属于。对 负责。四处移动。给 签名。冒 危险。投资于。获取利...
作者 欧亚美。湖北函授大学学报 2018年第01期。摘要 英语词汇量的广度直接决定着英语学习者的接受程度 学习效率。本文主要 了英语词汇的主要测试方法,如词典测试法 课文阅读法 分阶段测试法 词频分级测试法,根据英语词汇教学的特点,提出英语词汇教学改革的几点建议,包括教师可采用语块教学法 根据单词难...
英语词汇分类18 货币英语词汇
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