
发布 2021-05-24 07:49:28 阅读 8886

"*liner conference","班**会"

" consortium or consortia","联营体"

" closed conference","封闭式公会"

" open conference","开放式公会"

"*liner shipping","班轮运输"

" liner schedule","船期表"

" transport service","货物运输服务"

" tariff","运价本"


"*tramp shipping","不定期船运输"

"*charter party","租船合同"

" general cargo vessel","件杂货船"

" roll on/roll off ship:ro/ro ship","滚装船"

" refrigerated ship","冷藏船"

" multi-propose ship","多用途船"

" dry bulk carrier","干散货船"

" coal carrier","运煤船"

" bulk grain carrier","散粮船"

" ore carrier","矿石船"

" full container ship","全集装箱船"

" panama","巴拿马型船"

" panamax","巴拿马极限型船"

" post-panamax","超巴拿马型船"

" super post-panamax/extra post-panamax","特超巴拿马型船"

" liquified gas carrier","液化气船"

" tanker","油船"

" liquified natural gas carrier,lng carrier","液化天然气船"

" liquified petroleum gas carrier:lpg carrier","液化石油气船"

" chemical tanker","液体化学品船"

" cargo or goods","货物"

" packed cargo","包装货物"

" unpacked cargo or nonpacked cargo","裸装货物"

" unitized cargo","成组化货物"

" containerized cargo","集装箱货物"

" solid bulk cargo","干质散装货"

" liquid bulk cargo","液体散装货"

" general cargo ",普通货物"

" special cargo","特殊货物"

" clean cargo","清洁货物"

" fine cargo","精细货物"

" foodstuffs","食品"

" fragile cargo","易碎品"

" liquid cargo","液体货物"

" rough cargo","粗劣货物"

" smelly cargo","散发气味的货物"

" dusty and dirty cargo","扬尘污染性货物"

" dangerous cargo","危险货物"

" reefer cargo","冷藏货物"

" perishable cargo","易腐性货物"

" valuable cargo","贵重货物"

" livestock and plants","活的动植物"

" bulky and lengthy cargo,he**y cargo","长大,笨重货物"

"*metric ton,m/t","公吨"

"*long ton","长吨"

" draft survey or draught survey","水尺记重"

"*stowage factor,",货物积载因数"

" explosives","**品"

" gases","气体"

" inflammable liquids","易燃液体"

" flash point","闪点"

" explosive limits","**极限"

" inflammable solids","易燃固体"

" spontaneously combustible substance ",易自燃物质"

" substances emitting inflammable gases when wet","遇水放出易燃气体的物质"

" fire point","燃点"

" spontaneously combustion point","自燃点"

" oxidizing substances and organic peroxides","氧化剂和有机过氧化物"

" toxic and infectious substances","有毒物质和有感染性物质"

" half-lethal dose","半数致死量"

" half-lethal concentration","半数致死浓度"

" radioactive substances","放射性物质"

" radioactivity strength","放射性活度"

" specific activity","放射性比度"

" dose equivalent","剂量当量"

" transport index","运输指数"

" corrosives","腐蚀性物质"

" miscellaneous dangerous substances","杂类危险物质和物品"


" transport equipment","运输设备"

"*shipper's own container,",承运人集装箱"

"*carrier's own container,coc.",货主自有箱"

"*twenty-foot equivalent unit,teu","换算集装箱"

" dry cargo container","干货集装箱"

" bulk container","散货集装箱"

" reefer container,rf","冷藏集装箱"

" general propose container,gp","通用集装箱"

" open-top container,ot","敞顶集装箱"

" plat form based container","框架集装箱"

" frat rack container","框架集装箱"

" pen container","牲畜集装箱"

" tank container,tk","罐式集装箱"

" car container","汽车集装箱"

" chilled cargo","冷却货物"

" frosen cargo","冷冻货物"

" break bulk cargo","散件货物"

"*full container (cargo) load,fcl","整箱货"

"*less than container (cargo) load,lcl","拼箱货"

"*ship's rail or hook/tackle","船边或吊钩"

"*container yard,cy","集装箱堆场"

" empty container","空箱"

" loaded container","重箱"

"*container freight station,cfs","集装箱货运站"

"*door to door","门到门"

"*door to cy","门到场"

"*door to cfs","门到站"

" door to tackle ",门到钩"

"*cy to door","场到门"

"*cy to cy","场到场"

"*cy to cfs","场到站"

" cy to tackle","场到钩"

"*cfs to door","站到门"

"*cfs to cy","站到场"

"*cfs to cfs","站到站"

" cfs to tackle","站到钩"

" tackle to door","钩到门"

" tackle to cy","钩到场"

" tackle to cfs","钩到站"

" tackle to tackle","钩到钩"

"*container lease agreement","租箱合同"

" early termination clause","提前终止条款"

"*damage protection plan,",损害修理条款"

"*ocean common carrier","远洋公共承运人"

"*non-vessel operating (common) carrier","无船承运人"

"*service contract,sc","服务合同"

"*ocean freight forwarder","远洋货运**人"


" liner schedule","班轮船期表"

" rail to rail ",船舷至船舷"

" canvassion","揽货 "

" booking","订仓"

"*home booking","卸货地订仓"

" buyer's nominated cargo","指定货"

" mislanded","误卸"

" overlanded","溢卸"

" shortlanded","短卸"

" cargo tracer","货物查询单"

" duly endorsed","适当正确的背书"


中英文对照船体结构。主船体 main hull 上层建筑 superstructure 上层连续甲板 upper deck 船底 bottom 舷侧 broadside 艏艉 fore and aft 舱壁 bulkhead 水密 watertight 艏部 bow 艉部 stern quarter...


自动雷达标绘仪 automatic radar plotting aid 自动 automatic telephone 电压自动调节器 automatic voltage regulator 自动化系统 automation system 压载控制台 ballast control console ...


船舶专业主要培养具备现代船舶与海洋工程设计 研究 建造的基。本技能和管理基础知识 计算机编程及应用能力,能在船舶与海洋结构。物设计 研究 制造 检验 使用和管理等部门从事技术和管理方面工。作的船舶与海洋工程学科高级工程技术人员。下面小编为大家推荐一些。关于船舶专业的英语词汇,希望对大家的学习有所帮助...