
发布 2021-05-23 08:21:28 阅读 3341




1. keep quiet, kids. dad __in the next room.

a. sleptb. sleeps c. is sleeping

2. i h**e to go to work by taxi because my car __at the garage.

a. will be repaired b. is repaired c. is being repaired d. has been repaired

3. —i’m afraid you can’t sit here .

—sorry , i___know.

a. don’t b. won’t c. can’td. didn’t


概念不同: 一般过去时表示一个与目前无联系的过去行动,强调的是动作发生的时间、地点、原因等,属于“过去”时态范畴。现在完成时把过去发生的事情跟现在联系起来,强调动作发生的情况及动作带来的影响。


4. the earthquakethousands of houses in this area, and people here are busy

rebuilding their homes.

a. destroyed b. would destroy c. has destroyed d. had destroyed

c)时间状语的不同。一般过去时常与过去具体的时间状语连用,如:yesterday, two days ago, last year等。

而现在完成时通常与模糊的时间状语连用,或无时间状语。如just, before, already, ever, never, ever since, since或until/by now, up till now, so far, up to the moment 到目前为止 ;for + 一段时间, in/during the past/last five years

英译汉。1)mary has lived here for three days.

(2) mary lived here for three days.


it is (has been) +一段时间 + since从句。

it is the first(second…)time that +完成时。

it is the only … that +完成时。

it is the best / finest / most interesting … that从句 +完成时。

5. this is the first time we a film in the cinema together as a family.

a. see b. had seen c. sawd. h**e seen



6. when mark opened the door, he saw a woman standing there. he __her before.

a. never saw b. had never seen c. never sees d. has never seen


1. unluckily, when i dropped in , dr. smith __so we only had time for a few words.

a.was just le**ing b. has just left c. had just left d. just left

2 --h**en’t i told you i like coffee without sugar?

---sorry, but i only __a little.

a. am puttingb. putc. will put

3. he turned off the lights and then __the classroom.

a. le**esb. will le**e c. left

4. —i’m afraid you can’t sit here .

—sorry , i___know.

a. don’t b. won’t c. can’td. didn’t

5my dictionary?

---yes, i put it in your desk just now.

a. do you see b. h**e you seen c. did you see d. had you seen

6. —you speak very good french!

—thanks. ifrench in sichuan university for four years.

a. studied b. studyc. was studying d. had studied

7. the young girl sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. she __before.

a. hasn’t flown b. didn’t fly c. hadn’t flown d. wasn’t flying

8.— the food here is nice enough.

— my friend __me a right place.

a. introduces b. introducedc. had introduced d. was introducing

9. -what is the price of petrol these days

---oh, it __sharply since last month.

a. is raised b. has risen c. has arisend. is increased

10. -do you want a lift home?

---it’s very kind of you, but i h**e a much late in the office. i overslept this morning

because my morning clock

a. doesn’t go off b. won’t gone c. wasn’t going off d. didn't go off

11.--did you see a man in black pass by just now?

---no, sir. i __a news*****.

a. read b. was reading c. would read d. am reading


二、 非谓语动词。

基本特性 (不能做谓语)

1) 现在分词 (-ing)表主动和进行

过去分词 (-ed)表被动和完成其否定形式都是“标志词前加not”

不定式 (to do)表目的和将来。

1. the building __now will be a restaurant.

2. the building __next year will be a restaurant.

3. the building __last year is a restaurant.

a. h**ing been built b. to be built c. being built d. built

cbd)2) 非谓语作定语或补语时,其所修饰的名词就是它的逻辑主语,作状语时,其逻辑主语就是句子的主语。

4. _from the top of the hill, we found the city was quite beautiful

5. _from the top of the hill, the city was quite beautiful.

6. _the beautiful city, we climbed up to the top of the hill.

a. seen b. seeing c. see d. to see


7. the girl___under that tree is my sister.

a. sits b. sitting c. is sitting d. sat

8. most of the artists __to the party were from south africa.

a. being invited b. to invite c. invited d. had been invited

9. -mum, why do you always make me eat an egg every day?

enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.


定义和特征。1 表示 多少 和 第几 的词,叫做数词 numeral 2 数词与不定代词相似,其用法或者相当于形容词,或者相当于名词。种类。1 基数词表示 多少 的词叫做基数词 cardinal numeral 如 one 一 twenty 二十 hundred 百 等。2 序数词表示 第几 的词叫...


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考试技巧。1.一般横线前面是to 选doing,这里to是介词 down to look forward to switch to turn to give rise to access to doing 2.选项出现,done 过分 或doing 先分 二选一,都有可能 3 in turn 轮流,...