
发布 2021-05-23 03:30:28 阅读 7098

1. 新年快乐!你也一样!

-happy new year! -the same to you.


what day is it today? –it is wednesday.

3.他们在上什么课?what class are they h**ing?

4.你最喜欢哪个学科?which subject do you like best?

what is your f**orite subject?


how do you usually come to school ?


how often do you come to the library ?

7. 该上课了。it’s time for class. =it’s time to h**e class.

8. 笨鸟先飞。/ 捷足先登。the early bird catches the worm.

9.你在做什么?what are you doing?


-may i borrow some english books? -of course.


-how long can i keep them? -two weeks.

12. 你必须准时归还。you must return them on time.


you must look after your things.

14. 我很高兴收到你的来信。

i’m very glad to get a letter from you.

15.教室里有什么?--what’s in the classroom?

16. 不要把他们放在这里,把它们收好。

don’t put them here. put them away, please.

17. 你可以帮助我吗?当然。

---could you help me? –of course.

18.你真好。it’s very nice\kind of you.


how many floors are there in your building?

20 . 你想要我帮助你吗?

would you like me to help you?

21你住在什么样的家?--what kind of home do you live in? =what’s your home like? 你家什么样?

22.离这里有多远? -how far is it from here?


it’s good to help children and old people to cross the road.

24.你需要乘718路公车。you need to take bus no.718.

25. 沿着新华街走在第一个十字路口右转。go along xinhua street and turn right at the first crossing.


--is there a … near here?

--how can i get to…?

--which is the way to…?

-could you tell me the way to…?

--where is …?

沿\向上\下走\过桥:go along\ up\down \across

u7-u81. when were you born? –你何时出生?

2. where was she born? 她出生在**?

3. what’s the date today? 今天几号?

4. what’s the shape of it?= what shape is it? 它什么形状?

5. how long/wide is it? 它多长\宽?

6. what do we use it for? 我们用它来做什么?

7. what was it like before? 它之前像什么?

8. 你想唱中文歌还是英文歌?

do you want to sing chinese songs or english songs?

9. what else can you do? 你还会做什么?

can fly kites very well now. but one year ago, she couldn’t do it at all.


11. i’m sure we’ll h**e a good time at the party.


the matter? 怎么了?

did tom do? 汤姆做了什么?

you sing a song at the party? 你在聚会上唱歌吗?

way, please. 这边请。

be so late next time. 下次别再这么迟了。

time did you come home last night?


is the weather like ?=how is the weather? 问天气 season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?

the temperature? 温度是多少?

a good time to climb hills. 是爬山的好时节。

=it’s a good time for climbing hills.

hard to say. 很难说。

are you doing?=how are you? =how is it going?

24. 情况很好thing are going very well. 。

25. 农民们忙于收割the farmers are busy harvesting.

lasts from demcember to february.


27.你的旅行怎样? 很棒!

-how was you trip? -it was wonderful.

28.你怎样去那里旅行? 乘火车。

-how did your tr**el there? -by train.

29.去那儿的最好时间是?what’s the best time to go there?

30. 听起来很有趣。it sounds very interesting!

30.. 我该带些什么呢?what should i take with me?

32. 人们通常提前一个月就开始为节日准备。

people usually start preparing for the festival one month before it comes.


please give my best wishes to your parents!

please give my love to your parents




7.它之前像什么9. 你还会做什么。

8. 你想唱中文歌还是英文歌?






7.它之前像什么9. 你还会做什么。


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