
发布 2021-05-23 01:40:28 阅读 8881

1. 该吃早饭了。

2. 该开会了。

3. 看电视太多对你的眼睛又坏处。

4. 做早操对你的健康有好处。

5. 快点,否则你上学就要迟到了。

6. 今天刮风,你们最好不要打开窗户。

7. 在公共场所你们最好要保持安静。

8. 小女孩害怕夜里出门。

9. 多说英语,不要怕出错。

10. 汤姆喜欢住在中国,他也喜欢在中国教英文。

11. 请不要说话,仔细听老师讲课。

12. 他们停下来看了看,看见了一只手表在地上。

13. 咱们阻止孩子在河边玩。

14. 谁能使他笑起来?

15. 别让孩子一个人呆在家里。

16. 我喜欢拉小提琴,她喜欢弹钢琴。

17. 他喜欢游泳,但今天他不想去游泳。他想玩电脑游戏。

18. 莉莉请我帮她学中文。

19. 妈妈告诉我不要在街上玩。

20. 老师告诉我们要按时完成作业。

21. 我渴了,请给我一杯茶。

22. 昨天他把自行车借给李先生了。

23. 瞧!大家都忙着为数学测验而努力学习。

24. 这个箱子太重了,他提不动。

25. 直到老师进教室,同学们才不说话。

26. 露茜(lucy)如此高兴,以至她开始又唱又跳的。

27. 格林先生和史密斯先生两人都不是医生。

28. 他叔叔和阿姨都是教授。

29. 不是我爸爸就是我妈妈要到伦敦工作。

30. 这个会议室足以容纳40人。

31. **和美术两者比较,我更喜欢**。

32. 游泳和溜冰相比,他更喜欢溜冰。

33. 这孩子一点儿也不喜欢美术。

34. 继续敲门不要停,一直到有人来开门。

35. 快点!别让你妈妈等你。

36. 在我回家的路上,我看见一个小女孩在马路上哭。

37. 我听见他们在唱歌。

38. 刀是用来切割东西的。

39. 这个房间有15米长,10米宽,3米高。

40. 小伙子,你哪儿不舒服?

41. 我想要两瓶橘汁。

42. 你想跟我去看电影吗?

43. 工人们用两年的时间建了这座大桥。

44. 她要老师严格要求她。

45. 我想今天下午不会下雨。

46. 去买东西怎么样?

47. 为什么不请老师帮忙呢?

48. 他喜欢唱歌,我也喜欢唱歌。

49. 学好英语对我们来说很重要。

50. 这些红花与那些蓝花一样漂亮。

51. 他一到上海就会给我打**。

52. 我们不仅会说日语,而且也会写日语。

53. 谢谢你们来看我。

54. 她擅长唱歌,跳舞。

55. 这个电影很有趣,大家对它都感兴趣。

56. 他们花很多钱买书。

57. 他上课又迟到了。老师很生气。

58. 他与同学们相处得很好。

59. 请你告诉我们怎样植树。

60. 中文名字与英文名字不同。

61. 如果明天不下雨,我们就去长城。

62. 上海是世界上最大的城市之一。

63. 我不知道王先生是否会来开会。如果他来我会告诉你的。

64. 作为一个医生来说,最重要的是拯救生命。

65. 这部电影不如我们的预期那样激动人心。

66. 他做每件事都比他弟弟认真仔细。

67. 她太累了,她不知道自己在读什么。

68. 当汤姆到家时,他母亲正在洗衣服。

69. 当他们到达火车站时,火车已开走了十分钟了。

70. 你们可以向图书馆借书,但只能借两周。

71. 他告诉我不要在继续工作了。

72. 对于我来说要两个小时完成这件事太难了。

73. 这个孩子请求他妈妈让他听一会**。

74. 这个美国人说中文说得够好的,我们都能听得懂。

75. 虽然张老师对你严格要求,但是你不必害怕他。

76. 你们看起来很疲劳,请你们停下来休息一下好吗?

77. 我们正忙着准备开个英语晚会。

78. 电视机有毛病了。

79. 这本字典虽然很贵,但是值得买。

80. jim不如tom跳得高。

81. 天很热,为什么不把外衣脱了呢?


1. it’s time to h**e breakfast.

2. it’s time for the meeting.

3. watching too much tv is bad for your eyes.

4. doing morning exercises is good for your health.

5. hurry up, or you will be late for school.

6. it’s a windy day today. you’d better not open the windows.

7. you’d better keep quiet in the public places.

8. the little girl is afraid of going outside at night.

9. speak more english. don’t be afraid of ****** mistakes.

10. tom enjoys living in china. he likes teaching english in china, too.

11. stop talking, and listen to the teacher carefully, please.

12. they stopped to h**e a look. they saw a watch lying on the ground.

13. let’s stop the child from playing near the river.

14. who can let him laugh?

15. don’t keep the child staying at home alone.

16. i like playing the violin and she likes playing the piano.

17. he likes swimming, but he doesn’t want to go swimming today. he wants to play computer games.

18. lily asked me to help her with her chinese.

19. mother tells me not to play in the street.

20. the teacher told us to finish our homework on time.

21. i am thirsty, please give me a cup of tea.

22. he lent his bike to mr. li yesterday.

23. look! everyone is busy working hard for the math test.

24. this box is too he**y for him to carry.

25. the students didn’t stop talking until the teacher came into the classroom.

26. lucy was so happy that she began to sing and dance.

27. neither mr. green nor mr. smith is a doctor.

28. both his uncle and his aunt are professors.

29. either my father or my mother will work in london.

30. the meeting room is big enough to hold forty people.

31. i prefer music to art.

32. he prefers skating to swimming.

33. the child doesn’t like art at all.

34. keep knocking on the door until someone opens the door.

35. hurry up! don’t keep your mother waiting for you.

36. on my way home, i saw a little girl crying on the road.

37. i heard them singing.

38. knives are used for cutting things.

39. the room is 15 meters long, 10 meters wide and 3 meters high.

40. young man, what’s wrong with you?

41. i’d like two bottles of orange juice.

42. would you like to go to a movie with me?

43. it took the workers two years to build this bridge.

44. she would like the teacher to be strict with her.

45. i don’t think it will rain this afternoon.

46. what about going shopping?

47. why not ask the teacher for help?

48. he likes singing. so do i.

49. it’s very important for us to study english well.

50. these red flowers are as beautiful as those blue ones.

51. he will call me as soon as he gets to shanghai.

52. we can not only speak, but also write japanese.

53. thank you for coming to see me.

54. she is good at singing and dancing.

55. the film is interesting. everyone is interested in it.

56. they spend a lot of money on books.

57. he was late for class again. the teacher was angry with him.

58. he gets on well with his classmates.

59. please tell us how to plant trees.

60. chinese names are different from english names.

61. if it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we’ll go to the great wall.

62. shanghai is one of the biggest cities in the world.

63. i don’t know if mr. wang will come to the meeting. if he comes, i’ll tell you.

64. as a doctor, the most important thing is to s**e lives.


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