
发布 2021-05-23 01:06:28 阅读 7283


面临高考,对于试卷上的听力,阅读,语法填空,改错,作文等题的解答都离不开下面要讲述的句型,掌握这些句型,在高考最后10几天更能提高你的信心。常考句型有: been+一段时间since +句子(谓语动词的时态用过去时)自从过去到现在时间是。

beenfive years since helefthere.


first/sed/third...time that +句子(谓语动词时态用现在完成时)第一次/第二次/第三次。做。

first time that hehas quarreledwith his wife.他第一次和他的妻子吵架。

first/sed/third...time that +句子(谓语动词时态用过去完成时)在过去第一次/第二次/第三次。做。

third time that hehad gota high score in english test.在过去这是他第三次在英语测试中得高分。

be+一段时间before +句子(谓语动词用一般现在时)再过多长时间才/就。

befive days before wemeetagain.再过5天我们才能再见面。

温馨提示:状语从句经常用一般现在时表示将来,主句用将来时。 youcomehere tomorrow, youwill h**ea good time.


一段时间before +句子(谓语动词用一般过去时)过了多长时间就/才。

itwastwenty minutes before hefinishedhis homework.过了20分钟他就完成了作业。 it comes to +n.


it came todonatingsomething, he responded actively.当一提到捐一些东西时,他反应积极。

7.主句(谓语动词时态是was/were doing或had just done或was/were about to do)when+句子。正在/刚刚做完/正要做。这时。

eg. hewas about togo outwhenthe telephone rang.


out that+句子=as itturns out,句子结果是。

out that he was a thief.=as itturned out, he is a thief.结果是他是一个贼。 that...某人突然想起。

that i had left my wallet behind.我突然想起我把钱包落下了。

is adj./ do...某人做。怎么样。(形容词修饰to do)

it /that is adjofsb. to do...做某事某人真是怎么样。

(形容词修饰sb.) is very difficultforme to do the maths problem.(做数学题难)it is very kindofyou to help me.

(你是善良的) happens that +句子。碰巧。

happened that he was not familiar with beijing.碰巧他对北京不熟悉。

is (high) time that +句子(谓语动词用过去时或should do这里should不能省略)该到。时候了。

is high time that wetook/should takemeasures to stop pollution.该到我们采取措施制止污染的时候了。

13...would rather+句子(谓语动词用过去时或过去完成时,表示现在或将来的事情,用过去时。表示过去的事,用过去完成时)

宁愿。eg. he would rather youcame would rather iwerea bird.

i would rather ihadn’t doneityesterday.


so+同一主语+助动词/系动词/情态动词表示“的确”neither/nor+助动词/系动词/情态动词+另一主语表示“也不” swim. so cani.他会游泳,我也会。

hecan swim. sohecan.他会游泳,他的确会。

he can’t swim. neither/nor can i.他不会游泳,我也不会。

15...find/think/believe/sider/suppose/feel/make etc.+it(形式宾语)+adj./n. +to do/从句(真正宾语)

eg. i finditeasyto learn english.我发现学习英语很容易。

they madeitclearthat they did an important job.他们澄清他们做一项重要的工作16...系动词+adj.

+to vt./vi.+介词。

eg. the room is comfortableto live in.这个房间住起来很舒服。the book is easy to read.这本书很容易读。

17.强调句型it is/was+被强调部分+that+其余部分。

注意:被强调部分指人时,that可以用who替换。it washis brotherwho/thatwas to blame.就是他的哥哥应受责备。

18...so adj./adv...that+句子如此。以至于。such n...that+句子如此。以至于。

issogoodthatwe all like him.

he issucha good studentthatwe all like him.=he is so good a student that we all like him.

注意:当so ..such...放在句首时,主句要部分倒装。eg. so goodis hethat we all like him.

such a good studentis hethat we all like him.





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