
发布 2021-05-22 16:41:28 阅读 2329


n.惊奇,惊奇的事i h**e got a big surprise for you.我给你带来了一个大的惊喜。v.使吃惊。

what surprised us most was that she had such a sweet voice.最让我们感到惊讶的是她有如此甜美的嗓音。

to one's surprise令人吃惊的是。

to my surprise, he finished the task only in a few days.令我惊讶的是他竟然在几天之内就完成了任务。


what you've told me is surprising.你给我讲的情况真令人吃惊。

the news made us surprised.这消息使我们很惊讶。

thoughto see us,the professor g**e us a warm surprised c.灾难,不幸,祸患。

fires,floods and earthquakes are disasters.火灾、水灾和**都是灾难。

this is one of the worst natural disasters ever to befall the area.这是该地区所经历的最严重的自然灾害之一。考点提示:

disasteraffected area受灾地区a traffic disastera disaster to sbescape disaster

交通惨祸。d.being surprised


死于灾祸。die in the disaster

the voyage to the atlantic ocean ended___a.with vt.(1)促进,增进。

exercise promotes health.锻炼可增进健康。

the organization works to promote friendship between nations.该组织旨在促进各国之间的友谊。(2)使(某人)升级,擢升(某人)至……(to)the boy was promoted to the fourth grade.


b.in disaster c.with destroy

d.in fail

the young army officer was promoted to the rank of captain.这个年轻军官被提升为上尉。(3)(在宣传上)**,推销(商品)

do you h**e any idea how to promote the sales of this product?如何来推销这种产品你有什么办法吗?考点提示:

promote...as把……推广为promote sb to the post of升某人担当……职位promote sb to...


注意:promote sb to之后表职位的名词不加冠词。完成句子:


our teacher hasheadmaster.(2)这家公司在电视上宣传他们的新产品。

the pany areon television.(3)他晋升为新工厂的经理。

heof the new v.盼望;认为;预料。

the rent was much more than we had expected to pay.租金比我们预计要付的多得多。

he didn't expect to see me.他没有料到会碰见我。考点提示:

expect+代词/名词/that从句expect to do sth


expect sb to do sththan expectedi expect so.



i expect not=i don't expect so.我认为不是这样。i don't expect that...我认为……不……(否定前移)

i've worked with children before,so i know what___in my new expect c.to be expecting5mit vt.(1)犯(罪、错等)

they mitted many horrible crimes against the people.



if we don't understand this,we shall mit mistakes.我们如果不理解这一点,就会犯错误。mit suicide自杀mit crimes


mit mistakes


the boy was mitted to the care of his uncle.这个男孩被委托给他的叔叔照管。

he mitted himself to the cause of education.他投身于教育事业。(3)承诺;受誓约的约束。

he refused to mit himself to any sort of promise.他拒不作出任何承诺。翻译句子:

1)the hero in the novel mitted suicide at the end of the book2)i mitted the matter to the care of a n.损伤,伤害。

don't do 'll do yourself an injury.别那样做,你会把自己弄伤的。

several train passengers received/sustained serious injuries in the crash.在这次撞车事故中火车上几名乘客受重伤。

do sb an injury=do an injury to sb伤害某人the injured n.


injury/wound/hurt/harm/damage辨析(1)injury n.指平时的大小创伤或伤害。he got serious injuries to the legs at work.他干活时腿受了重伤。


the soldier received two wounds in the battle.这位士兵在战斗中两处受伤。


the hurt to his feelings is more serious than the hurt in his body.他在感情上受到的伤害比身体上的伤痛更严重。

4)harm;damage指损失,损害,不表示伤痛。the storm did great harm to the crops.这场暴风雨对庄稼危害很大。

the earthquake caused damage to the city.这场**对这城市造成了危害。

1)you'd better h**e a first aid box at hand in case of some mon___at b.damage c.wounds d.injuries

2)asweallknow,smokingdoes___b.injury c.hurt d.wound

3)the cattle are to be driven away before they cause any___to the newly planted b.injury c.hurt d. vi.

1)react on(upon)对……起作用,对……有影响your applause would react on(upon)the speaker.你们的喝彩对演说者有影响。

unkindness often reacts on the unkind person.恶人有恶报。

2)react against反抗,反对。

people soon reacted against the new government.人们不久便起来反对新**。

he reacted against everything he had been taught.教他什么他都会唱对台戏。(3)react to对……作出反应。

how did your mother react to the news?你妈妈对这个消息的反应怎样?

our eyes react to light.我们的眼睛对光起反应。(4)react with与……起反应。

iron reacts with water and air to produce rust.铁与水和空气起化学反应而生锈。介词填空:

1)dogs react___kindness___waging their tails.(2)he reacted___his parents' strictness and left home.

3)the rise of oil costs reacted __the price of food.(4)he didn't react___the loud noise and kept on vt.钦佩,羡慕;欣赏。

admire sb for sth /doing sth因为做某事佩服某人admiration n.钦佩;赞赏。

h**e admiration for对……表示钦佩with/in admiration钦佩地。

i really admire your enthusiasm.我确实钦佩你的热情。i h**e great admiration for her as a writer.


ihimhis n.影响;冲击;撞击。

businesses are beginning to feel the full impact of the crisis.企业开始感受到了经济危机的全面影响。

the impact of the blow knocked jack off balance.这一记猛击把杰克打了个趔趄。h**e an impact on...


his father's deathhim.他爸爸的去世对他造成了巨大的影响。 n.损失。

the global financial crisis will lead to a number of job losses.全球金融风暴会让许多人失业。when she died i was filled with a sense of loss.


make up a loss弥补损失suffer lossesat a loss


kate, you look worried now.

well, i am atloss as to how to the b.a; a c.不填;a d.the; the

答案:句意:虽然教授看到我们很吃惊,但还是热烈欢迎我们。thoughsurprisedtoseeus=thoughhe was surprised to see us。]

3.(1)been promoted to(2)promoting their new products(3)was promoted


7.(1)to;by(2)against(3)on(4) for

a great impact on



2015年高考高频词汇必背及训练系列1 通道,入口 接近或进入的 方法,机会,权利 vt.取得,获取 尤指计算机数据 考点提示 h e access to sth.可以使用 有 接触机会。h e access to a car a computer.有汽车 计算机可以使用。gain get acce...


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