
发布 2021-05-22 16:15:28 阅读 1252

1.beat (n)敲击,跳动 (vt)打,输。

beaten track 常规;惯例;被踩出来的路。

辨析1] beat和win的用法:

beat表示“在战斗中战胜对手,宾语是人,不是物”。beat后接运动员、球队或对手等。例如:i can beat you at chess .

beat意为“胜于,击败”。例:he is going to beat the world record .

win战胜,因赢,它的宾语是物,如比赛,战争。win后接“a game, a war, a watch, a prize”等。例:

the boy won the first prize in contest .

i can always beat him at chess.

which team win the football match? we beat them by score 2 to 1.

辨析2] beat; hit; strike的用法:这三个词都有"打;击;敲"的意思,但仔细分辩,还是有其各自的用法。

beat 表示"连续不断地打击";尤其指心脏的跳动。

beat sb in the chest

beat…to death

to beat a drum敲鼓。

hit表示"撞击"(尤指一次性的)或命中(目标)。而strike除了与hit同义外,还可以理解为划(火柴);给人深刻印象等。 如:

the man looked dead but his heart was still beating.这个人看上去已经死了,可心脏还在跳动。

he hit the ball so hard that it went over the wall.他使劲地击球,结果球越过了墙。

i h**e someto do this afternoon.

a. shop b. shops c. shopping d. a shop

he __his opponent in the game at last.

a. beat b. beated c. beaten d. was beating

2.fame (n)名声;名气;声誉 famous (adj)出名的;著名的。

be famous/ known for因/以……而著名(for后接出名的原因)

be famous/ known as作为……而出名/著名(接职务、身份或地位等名词)

be famous/ known to对……来说出名。

比较:be famous as ; be famous for ;be famous to和 be famous at 的用法:


be famous for 表示“以某种特产而‘闻名’著名,出名”,famous 相当于well-known

② be famous as 表示“以什么样的产地或地方而出名”。eg:

hangzhou is famousproducing silk in china .

a. from b. at c. in d. for

the area is famous as a green tea producing place.这个地区是生产绿茶的地区。

二】以“人物”做主语:① be famous for 表示 “某人以某种知识,技能或特征出名” ●einstein was famous for his theory of relativity . 爱因斯坦以他的相对论而闻名。

※ be famous as表示“某人以某种身份出名”。如: einstein was famous as a great scientist .

【注意】:be famous for 后的介词宾语是主语的所属内容。 be famous as 后的介词宾语与主语是同位成分。

③ be famous to sb 对某人来说是著名的…④ be famous at (=be good at(擅长))=do well in 在…方面做得好/表现出色。(反义词)be no good at (do badly in)“ 在……方面做得很差”。 egypt is famous for its grand pyramids.

she is famous as a writer.

tom did badly in the foot ball match. qingdao is famous for its beautiful scenery.

lu xun is famous/ known as a writer.

as is known to us all, the great wall is one of the seven wonders in the world.

lu xun was famoushis worksa writer.

a. for; forb. for; as c. as; for d. as; as

3.use (vt&n)使用 useless (adj)无用的;无效的;无益的(反义词)useful (adj)

used to do sth.表示过去经常或持续的行为,现在已不再发生,该句型即可用助动词did构成否定句和疑问句,也可以把used当作助动词的用法来交换。如:

i used to climbed trees and swim and play football.我过去常常爬山,游泳,踢足球。 ⑵used to 和would都用来谈过去的习惯,但used to 可以指动作或情况,而would只表示重复的动作且不强调今昔对比。

※比较“ used to be及used to do sth ”和“ be used to do sth及be used to doing sth”的用法: ①用于肯定句used to be (指状况)表示“过去常常和习惯做某事,也指过去反**生的动作。即“used to be sth”。

其否定形式:used not/ usedn’t to be/do sth/也可用助动词did构成否定句和疑问句, 疑问句形式:used sb to do /be……?

be used to do sth表示“被用于做……”含有被动语态的意义。

become/ get/ be used to doing sth习惯于做某事。用来表示“现在,过去及将来习惯于做某事。” 下列句型中只可用动名词和it作主语,不可用不定式短语作主语:

it is no use +动名词(v-ing),表示“……没用”。[it’s useless + 不定式(to do sth ).it is of no use to do sth .

ther is no use in ……there is 之后要接表扬的介词短语)]。例:it is no use crying over spilt milk .

[it’s useless to crying over spilt milk.] reasoning with such a stubborn man is no use.[=it is no use reasoning with such a stubborn.

]be used for / as / by 的用法:

be used for表示“某物被用来做…”,for是介词,表示用途,后接名词、代词或-ing形式。例:an orange is used for medicine .

a pen is used for writing .

be used as 表示“被用作……”as作介词,表示作为。其后一般接名词,强调使用的工具及手段。例:

english is used as the second language in many countries .

be used by表示“被……使用”,by是介词,后接动作的执行者(宾语)。例:

english is used by tr**elers and business people all over the world .

tractors are used by the farmers .

use…for… 表示“用 …来…for后接名词/动名词。


be useful for 表示“对……有用”

be useful to do sth表示 “做……有用”

练习] 用be used as, be used to do, be used to doing , used to do填空。

camels __usuallycarry goods in the desert.

i believe that you will soonthe life there.

3 wego swimming in the small river in summer.

4 heget up late in the morning. now he has got used to getting up early.

5 his umbrellaa weapon when he met a robber.

6 imy present life now.

7 bamboomake some things.

8 shetaking a walk after supper.

9 i __to be quite afraid to live in that country, but now i h**e __to the life there.


befilledwith说明由外界事物造成的此种状态,表示被动。例如 theboxisfilledwithfood.盒子里装满了食物。befullof说明主语处于的状态。此外,还可表示程度,意为 非常 例如 thepatient sroomisfullofflowers.那个病人的房间摆满了花。th...


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