a russian poem
**童谣。since childhood, anton had often recited poems, accompanied bypianists andviolinists, at wedding ceremonies beforebrides andbridegroomsexchanged rings. gradually, he found writing poems the mostappropriateway toconveyhis joy andsorrow.
when his poemcontradictoryblankwon him a nationalchampionshipand ascholarshipto the moscow university from asponsor, he was just an unknownlibrarian. after getting hisdiploma, he devoted his life to writing poems. usingconcrete butflexiblelanguage and the minimumof words is his style.
hetried outdifferent patterns and preferrednurseryrhymein particular. the following is atranslation of one of his worksmade up of 3 sections:
littlesparrowwith he**yload, ran out ofenergy and very cold; nocompassand all sweatsalty, can you go through theendlessdarkness? little balloonlet outby the thread, flew overcottages and was very glad; withwarmthtransformed from sunlight, he said he couldforever fly; take it easy, little balloon; don’tteasethe sparrow with his wound; on thebare branchand h**e a rest; thisdiamondheart willeventuallyget success.
小麻雀,负重担, 筋疲力尽挡风寒,
汗水成盐无指引, 能否穿越无边暗?
小气球,脱绳系, 飞越农舍真高兴,阳光给予它温暖, 永远高飞不费力;
别紧张,小气球, 别笑麻雀伤口留,光光的树梢歇片刻, 恒(钻石)心终把成功求。
高考英语单词记忆短文 16
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1.people 1.baby 婴儿2.being 物 生物 人human being3.child 复children n.孩子,儿童4.citizen 公民,居民,市民5.civil 国内,平民 非军人 的 民用6.companion 同伴,同事7.comrade n.同志8.crowd n.人...