高考英语单词记忆短文 18 2

发布 2021-05-21 15:04:28 阅读 4763

a new farming way


tuan was a farmer invietnam. fordecades, he had beenstrugglingtoridhis family ofhunger. however, it alwaysconfused him how toexpandtheoutputof hiscrops.

thisdisturbingproblemled tohisregretting being a farmer. hewould ratherh**e chosen another job.

one day, whenskimming through a news*****, tuan read acommenton yuan long pin. heunderlined yuan’snationalityandoccupation, and thenfocusedonhisdiscovery and thestatistics of his research. he found the knowledge yuancirculated very he made asummaryand began tobuild upa new farming method.

he plantedsuper grainof richnutritionandequipped himself to keep his cropsroots free frombacteriaandpests. he also enrichedminerals in thesoilwhilereducingchemical fertilizers. though it cost him more time andfreedom, he was full of hope.

the next year, tuan wassun burntbutsatisfied withhisproductionvery toyuan long pin, he not only won thebattleagainst hunger, but he could alsoexporthis crops abroad.


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