
发布 2021-05-20 05:51:28 阅读 5539

contract is made in two originals that should be held by each party.


what is left unmentioned in contract may be added there as an appendix.


the this contract is made in two originals that should be held by each party.


what is left unmentioned in contract may be added there as an appendix.


the contract is written in quadruplicate (two for original and copy respectively) which shall become valid on the date of signature.


this contract is executed in two counterparts each in chinese and english, each of which shall be deemed equally

authentic. this contract is in 2 copies effective since being signed/sealed by both parties.


this contract is made by and between the buyers and sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned. commodities according to the terms and conditions stipulated below.


买方 buyer

卖方 seller

项目名称 project name

地址 address

** phone

传真 fax

联系人 contact person

1. 详细货物清单 detail supply list

2. 合同** contract value

序号 item 型号 model 尺寸 size, dimension 数量 amount, unit 单价 unit price 总价 total price 备注 remark 货物,运费 freight, transportation 合同总额(含安装费与税金) contract amount incl. vat & installation

3. 付款条件 payment conditions, payment terms

4. 交货地点 delivery place

5. 发货期 delivery time

6. 安装条款 installation clause

7. 验收条款 inspection clause

8. 保证条款 guarantee clause

9. 不可抗拒条款 force majeure clause

10. 违约条款 breach clause

11. 其他条款 miscellaneous clause

12. 买卖双方信息 buyer and seller information

a long-term contract 长期合同。

a short-term contract 短期合同。

completion of contract 完成合同。

contract for future delivery **合同。

contract for goods 订货合同。

contract for purchase 采购合同。

contract for service 劳务合同。

labor contract 劳动合同。

contract note 买卖合同(证书)

contract of arbitration 仲裁合同。

contract of carriage /carriage contract运输合同。

passenger carriage contract 客运合同。

cargo carriage contract 货运合同。

technology contract 技术合同。

technology development contract技术开发合同。

technology transfer contract技术转让合同。

technical consulting contract技术咨询合同。

technical service contract技术服务合同。

safekeeping contract 保管合同。

warehousing contract 仓储合同。

agency appointment contract 委托合同。

trading-trust contract 行纪合同。

brokerage contract 居间合同。

multi-modal carriage contract多式联运合同。

contract of employment 雇佣合同。

contract of insurance 保险合同。

contract of sale 销售合同。

sales contract 买卖合同。

contract for supply of power, water, gas , or heat 供电、水、气、热合同。

gift contract 赠与合同。

contract for loan of money 借款合同。

leasing contract 租赁合同。

financial leasing contract 融资租赁合同。

contracts of hired work 承揽合同。

contracts for construction project 建设工程合同。

contract life 合同有效期。

a nice fat contract 一个很有利的合同。

a written contract 书面合同。

an executor contract 尚待执行的合同。

breach of contract 违反合同。

cancellation of contract 撤消合同。

contract parties 合同当事人。

contract period (or contract term) 合同期限。

contract price 合约**。

contract provisions/stipulations 合同规定。

contract sales 订约销售。

contract terms (or contract clause) 合同条款。

contract wages 合同工资。

contract 合同,订立合同。

contractor 订约人,承包人。

contractual claim 根据合同的债权。

contractual damage 合同引起的损害。

contractual dispute 合同上的争议。

contractual guarantee 合同规定的担保。

contractual income 合同收入。

contractual liability/obligation 合同规定的义务。

contractual practice/usage 合同惯例。

contractual specifications 合同规定。

contractual terms & conditions 合同条款和条件。

contractual 合同的,契约的。

contractual-joint-venture 合作经营,契约式联合经营。

copies of the contract 合同副本。

originals of the contract 合同正本。

execution of contract/performance of contract 履行合同。


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