
发布 2021-05-19 08:42:28 阅读 4492




把谓语变成被动结构(be+过去分词) ,并根据被动语态句子里的主语的人称和数以及原来主动语态句子中动词的时态来决定be的形式。c.把主动语态中的主语放在介词by之后作宾语,将主格改为宾格。


all the people laughed at him. →he was laughed at by all people.

they make the bikes in the factory. →the bikes are made by them in the factory.


my father g**e me a new book on my birthday.

→i was given a new book (by my father) on my birthday. (间接宾语作了主语)

→a new book was given to me (by my father) on my birthday. (直接宾语作了主语)


we can repair this watch in two days.

→this watch can be repaired in two days.

they should do it at once.

→it should be done at once.


1. we often sing this song.

2. he broke his leg in the match.

3. she will sell her house soon.

4. he is repairing the machine.

5. he has finished his work.

6. we call him lao wang.

7. we must do something to help her.

8. what did you say at the meeting?

9. he g**e me some old magazines.

10. he told me to wait at the gate.


1. this song is often sung.

2. his leg was broken in the match.

3. her house will be sold soon.

4. the machine is being repaired.

5. his work has been finished.

6. he is called lao wang.

7. something must be done to help her.

8. what was said at the meeting?

9. i was given some old magazines.

10. i was told to wait at the gate.


也。使人问焉,曰 子何为者也?对曰 我越石 父也。晏子曰 何 为而至此?曰 吾为人臣仆三年矣。曰 可得赎乎?对曰 可。遂解左骖 以赎之,载而与归。至舍,不辞而入。越石父怒而请绝。晏子使人应之曰 婴未尝得交夫子也。今免子于患,吾于子犹未可耶?子何绝我之暴 也!越石父日 吾闻士诎 乎不知己,而信 乎知己...

2019届中考英语写作指导 教案

安化县2015年国培计划 送教下乡 项目。2016届中考英语写作指导iii 教案。江英学校黄秀琼。teaching aims i knowledge aims 写作专题 人物介绍,结合三月助人为乐的主题,进行写作专项复习的第三期专练。ii ability aims 1.所有同学能正确审题,根据提示信...


在9月10日前,2018暑假考研英语根据不同目标分数要求,应完成以下内容 一 英语一目标分数65 75 英语二目标分数70 1.词汇 5500单词整体复习三遍以上。对于词义和词性有着较为完整的认识。2.长句 能熟练运用语法,十分通顺的翻译长难句,进而理解英语句子的含义。具体包括 1 简单句的复杂结构...