
发布 2021-05-18 21:18:28 阅读 2804

unit 1复习学案。

学习目标:复习unit 1 包括单词、短语、语法、知识点和句子。

要求: 1.首先背诵7分钟的单词,下节课听写。然后再根据提示自己复习。


复习过程:step 1 背诵单词 robot pollution building astronaut rocket space fly(flew) fall(fell) alone probably suit dress casually even write(wrote) myself interview prediction sound company think(thought) unpleasant scientist such

bored everywhere human shape huge possible impossible seem factory ******

练一练:liwei is the first chinese ato circle the earth in a rocket .

2. how i wish i could fly to the space by r___

brother lives in a three-room a

father’s office is in this b

baby is too young to dhimself.

is a manager(经理) in his c___

f___to hongkong next week.

one wants to go out for a walk with me , so i h**e to go out a___

9. did you hear a strange slast night.

smith likes wearing a s___to work.

mother is a worker . she works in a shoe f

can see this kind of bird eit’s common.

hope to h**e a kind of r___to help me with my homework in the future.

14.--which is the most dangerous animals?

---i think s___is .

elephants(大象) are h___animals .they are much bigger than lions.

story wasn’t interesting at all . we got b___

you don’t study hard , it’s i___to study well.

step 2 找出短语并背诵。


3较少的人4. .爱上。








step3 语法和重点知识点,要求先做题后总结。

country __win) the next world cup.

2..kidsnot go ) to school in the future . they __study ) at home on computers from now on .


will use money in the future .(变一般疑问句并回答)

___people __money in the future?

) more pollution in the future .

will be fewer people . 变一般疑问句并回答)

___there __fewer people ?


肯定形式;i’ll do sth




总结:1. 1作为一名学生),i should work hard .

2).hea sales assistant right now . 他眼下干着销售助理工作。

does homeworkmary . 玛丽和汤姆一样做作业认真)

doesn’tharry. (他跑的不如哈里快。)

总结:2. 1).she wears a red skirt . shea red skirt .

2).his mothera blue coat just now .(他妈妈给他穿了一件蓝色上衣。

3).the girl is这女孩太小,自己不会穿衣服。)

总结:3. 1).i能游泳)when i was young.(同义句)

iwhen i was young.

2).i将能够) finish the homework by myself.

总结:4. 1).hele**e )the city in three days .

2).after a few days he回来), he said he would le**e again in a few days.

总结:5. 1).there will be更少的树) in future

2).we h**ethis year than usual .

3).nobody knows what will happen in the future , maybe there’ll be更多)buildings更少)people .children will h**e __更少)homework and更多)free time .

they can get everything on computers. you’ll see __更少) factories, so there will be __更少)pollution .

总结:6. 1) where does he live? do you think? (把两句合为一个句子)


总结:7. 1).小刀被用来切东西 the knifeto cut things


he thought that computersmost people.

3). the dictionary(字典)isuse) .

总结:8. 1).he is如此聪明)boy that he can work out (算出)the problem.


九年级英语unit 1复习提纲。一 短语。1.备考2.制抽认卡3.作词汇表4.向老师寻求帮助5.和朋友练习会话6.大声读练习发音。7.提高你的英语口语8.记单词最好的方式9.明确的建议10.有点帮助11.根本不,一点也不12.对 兴奋。13.用汉语结束说话14.犯语法错误15.练习说英语16.首先1...


一 短语默写。1.听说2.实际上3.以 为主题 4.一直5.兜风6.走不同路线。7.同地方停8.以做某事结束9.与某人争吵。10.生某人的气11.一个讲英语的国家12.我想做的。13.做 的最好方法 14.最重要的条件15.像。16.考虑17.毕业18.而不是。19.提高听力技能20.做某事有困难2...


unit 1 sb.do sth暑假里我几乎每天都看见你打篮球。sb.doing sth我看见老师走进教室。a basketball game against 这周日我们班和三班将举行一场排球赛。你愿意来为我们加油吗?我更喜欢英语。他父亲喜欢喝茶。我喜欢每天跑步。prefer to 后接名词或动名词...