
发布 2021-05-18 20:03:28 阅读 5889


3. water and sewage systems给排水工程。

4. settlement沉降。

5. heating and cooling systems供暖、制冷系统。

6. cantilever beam悬臂梁。

7. balustrade栏杆。

8. decoration装饰。

9. span跨度。

10. pour浇筑。

11. blank wall围墙、挡墙。

12. budget预算。

13. plan计划、方案、规划。

14. partition隔墙。

15. lintel过梁。

16. skin外墙。

17. allocate分配。

18. bearing wall承重墙。

19. superstructure上部结构。

20. substructure下部结构。

and electrical systems 机电系统。

22. slab-column system板柱系统。

23. time-dependent截止日期。

24. outline外观。

25. parlance术语。

26. depth进深。

27. reservoir水库。

28. high-rise building高层建筑。

29. tube in tube筒中筒。

30. spillway泄洪道。

31. water-to-cement ratio水灰比。

32. asphalt沥青。

33. predominate主导。

34. hydroelectric水电。

35 . tension应力。

36 . compression压缩。

37. simply supported beam简单支撑梁。

38. elevator电梯。

39. reinforced concrete钢筋混凝土。

40. truss桁架。

41. rigid frames刚性框架。

42. maintenance养护。

43. arch bridge拱桥。

44. bridge piers桥墩。

45. abutment桥台。

46. auxiliary附加的。

47. embankment坝。

48 . permeability渗透性。

49. arch dam拱坝。

50. shaft轴。

1. 工程管理 engineering management

2. 动力厂(发电厂) power plant;power station

3. 连续梁 continuous beam

4. 力 force

5. 混凝土 concrete

6. 公路工程 highway engineering

7. 支配的,统治的,占优势 dominant

8. 说法,术语 parlance

9. 隐蔽处,躲避处,避难所 shelter

10. 抗剪强度 shearing strength

11. 建筑物 building

12. 建筑学 architecture

13. 建筑的组成 components of a building

14. 承重框架load-carrying frame/ load-bearing frame

15. 直升电梯 elevator/lift

16. 砖石、砌体masonry

17. 桁架truss

18. 粉土silt

19. 不均匀沉降uneven settlement

20. 均匀沉降 uniform settlement

21.基础 foundation

22.过梁柱 post and lintel/ post and beam

23. 钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete

24. 荷载 load

25. 剪力墙 shear wall

26. 筒中筒tube in tube

27. 刚梁桥rigid beam bridge

28. 悬索桥suspension bridges

29. 公路工程highway engineering

30. 土石坝earth and rockfill dam

31.混凝土坝concrete dam


engineering, the oldest of engineering specialties, is the planning, design, construction, and management of the built environment. this environment includes all structures built according to scientific principles, from irrigation and drainage system to rocket-launching facilities.


text mainly introduced the relationship between the form of building and the environment, the aspect of architecture, and the relationship between building and architeture. it also introduced some building materials, such as wood, steel, stone.

本文主要介绍建筑形式与环境的关系,建筑学方面以及建筑与建筑学的关系。 它还介绍了一些建筑材料,如木材,钢材,石材。

skin of a building consist of both transparent elements (windows) and opaque elements(walls). windows are traditionally glass, although plastics are being used, especially in schools where breakage creates a maintenance problem. the wall elements, which are used to cover the structure and are supported by it , are built of a variety of materials:

brick, precast concrete, stone, opaque glass, plastics, steel, and aluminum. wood is used mainly in house construction; it is not generally used for commercial, industrial, or public buildings because of the fire hazard.

土木工程专业英语 钢结构

钢结构专业英语术语。acceptable quality 合格质量。acceptance lot 验收批量。aciera 钢材。admixture 外加剂。against slip coefficient between friction surface of high strength bolte...


摘要 土木工程专业英语在土木工程高级专门人才培养中发挥着重要作用,而课程考试的命题内容 考核方式 评价标准等直接影响学生的学习态度 学习方式及学习习惯。文章提出了土木工程英语考试命题思路 试题内容 考核方式和成绩评定方式等教学全过程控制的土木工程专业英语考试改革方法,将土木工程英语课程教学的整个过程...


a type wooden ladder a 字木梯。a frame a 型骨架。a truss a 型构架。abandon 废弃。abandoned well 废井。aberration of needle 磁针偏差。abnormal pressure 异常压力。abnormally high p...