
发布 2021-05-18 02:22:28 阅读 9788



词、句首单词第一个字母要大写,不能漏单词。(1) drawing she too pictures like

2) to year we last went canada

3) say it’s to time goodbye friends my to

4) will i’m that like sure he

5) at would party you like to the perform

6) you about how

7) are where you staying

8) you looking what for are

9) different are we going see place to

10) with are going who you


拼写错误,固定词语搭配错误,时态、语法上的错误,没有转换人称,be动词、助词、助动词的单复数等等。(1) i live in china2) what is he do now3) what’s colour is the pencil?

4) i like a pair shoes5) it’s a red

6) how are you feel

7) how many foots do you h**e8) what’s she name9) this is a library10)he is they son3、句型转换。

1)就划线部分提问:首先应该看清楚画线部分在句中的意思、作用及成分,再用相关的疑问词来提问。①i like summer, because i like swimming.

tom does sports two hours a week.

i like winter.

we walked an hour after dinner.

she cleaned the room after breakfast.

i want to go home by train.

he lives in america.

i h**e four friends here.

it’s october the first today.

new york is in the us.

i know they goto shanghai by plane.

they go to work on foot.

he often goes to school at 7:00 in the morning.

i feel happy.

i’m 1.6 meters tall.

i h**e one apple.

it’s 7:00.

the flag is red.

the girl in the red dress is lily.

it’s sunday today.


there is an apple on the table.

does he walk to school every day?

is it a dog?

the child likes playing.

she is a little girl.

this is a knife.

this is a pair of socks.

that is a nice dress.

she is my teachers.

i h**e a picture.




i want some vegetables.

what’s the matter?

it’s lunch time.

may i help you?

he walk to school every day.

we can go there by bus.

the school isn’t near our home.

where are you from?

her friends are going to visit her.

my bike doesn’t work.



i am 17.

they are listening to the

teachershe is in the

househe was at school last year.

we were happy yestoday.

they can speak


we must go home.

tom has to go to bed at 10:00

lily reads english in the morning.

the students played football after school.




he is at home.

i am fine.

they are in red.

amice read books last evening.

linda reads books every evening.

we go to school by bus.

she can draw.

you must go to bed at 10:00 is a book in the

deskthey will play chess on friday.



1) shebe) a pupil of grade one.(2) we h**e awind) day today.(3) my old bike isbreak).

(4) inot go) to work on foot.(5) i’meat) now.

6) jennygo) out five minutesage.

7) what colour areli ming)shoes?

8) her birthday is may thefive).

9) becare)!

10)this is aninterest)story.

11do) your uncle livein shanghai?

12we) english teacher is awoman.

13) my legs arelong)than hers.

14)he doesn’t wantthis)books.

15) our teacherfly) akite now.;

小升初英语复习 重点句型 一

小升初英语复习资料 重点句型 一 通过复习能使你站得高看得远,观察问题不再孤立,思考问题不再狭隘,形成前后呼应 上下贯通,纵横交替的思维空间。为大家整理了一些小升初英语复习资料,希望能够帮助小升初学生更好的进行英语复习。1.so be 助动词 情牵动词 主语。neither nor be 助动词 情...


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