
发布 2021-05-17 22:41:28 阅读 3298





seven/eight/nine/ten七/八/九/eleven/twelve/thirteen十一/十二/十三fourteen/fifteen/sixte十四/十五/十六seventeen/eighteen十七/十八nineteen/twenty十九/二十thirty/forty/fifty三十/四十/五十sixty/seventy/eighty六十/七十/八十ninety/one hundred九十/一百。



golf club高尔夫俱乐部club house会所reception desk前台deputy general manager副总经理caddie master球童主管marshal巡场员。

manager经理starter areas出发台cart center球车库bagstorage room存包房golf course高尔夫球场halfway house小卖亭pro-shop专卖店washing room/rest room/toilet洗手间。

practice green练习果岭driving range练习场locker room更衣室。

staff canteen员工食堂restaurant餐厅caddie’s room球童休息室。


tee off开球tee off time开球时间golf bag球包golf club高尔夫球杆head cover杆头套putter cover推杆套driver一号木three wood三号木five wood五号木iron铁杆putter推杆pitching wedge劈起杆sand wedge沙坑杆grip握把shaft杆身marker球标green fork果岭叉tee球座rubber tee橡胶球座cap球帽jumper风衣gloves手套golf shoes高尔夫鞋pencil铅笔golf cart/buggy球车caddie cart球车(手拉式)score card记分卡umbrella伞towel毛巾bunker rake沙耙。


our course /front nine前九i n course /back nine后九hole number one /the first hole一号洞dog leg left左狗腿洞dog leg right右狗腿洞long/middle/short hole长、中、短洞teeing ground发球区tee box发球台tee marke发球台标志fairway球道rough长草out of bound(ob)出界bunke沙坑ground under repair (g..整修地casual water临时积水hazard water hazard水障碍区lateral water hazard侧面水障碍区tree树。

woods树林dropping zone抛球区pond水池bridge桥。



cart path球车道red /yellow/white/green stake红、黄、白、绿桩provisional ball暂定球障碍区no touch禁止触碰unplayable无法打的球(死球)green果岭pin/flagstick旗杆。

apron果岭近区edge边缘ball mark球印up and down山坡起伏up hill上坡down hill下坡follow wind顺风against wing逆风side wind侧风hook左曲球slice右曲球lost ball遗失球。

one penalty罚一杆two strokes penalty罚两杆bogey高于标准杆一杆double bogey高于标准杆两杆triple in one一杆进洞golf rule高尔夫规则gross总杆数net净杆数total总分last hole上一个洞next hole下一个洞first hole第一个洞the end hole最后一个洞tee shot第一杆second shot第二杆third shot第三杆。

oneshot(onestroke)一杆twoon两杆上果岭threeon三杆上果岭nicein好球(球进洞)good putt好推well out好球(球从凹凸不平或障碍物内击出)good swing挥杆很好missed失误warm up热身nice on好球(球落在果岭上)turn right向右转。

turn left向左转left to right左到右right to left右到左left to right bit by bit一点点到右a little left/right左/右边一点点fast green快果岭slow green慢果岭a bit more fast稍快very fast很快very slow很慢slow慢a little slow/a bit more slow y一点点慢a little up hill/down hill一点点上坡/下坡carry击球距离club face杆面club head杆头line of putt推击线line of play打球线line of putt推杆线honor优先权all the way are straight球道全是直的on the fairway在球道上on the middle of the fairway在球道中间in the left rough在左边长草区in the bunker在沙坑里on the green在果岭上to the green到果岭in the trees在树林里near the tree在那颗树附近over the green超过果岭carry the bunker飞越沙坑just on刚刚上果岭。

nearly on (almost on)几乎上果岭this way please请从这边走short cut (take a short cut)走捷径wind is from the left风从左边来wind is from the right风从右边来maybe ob可能出界maybe in the water可能下水。

straight(in)直打right inside右边洞内right eager右边洞线。

right outside右边洞边one grip right右边一个握half a putter right右边半支推杆a pin right右边一支旗杆half a ball right右边半个球a ball right右边一个球two balls right右边二个球one cup right(one hold right )右边一个洞。


good morning早晨好good after下午好good evening晚上好good night晚安long time no see很久没见到你了nice to meet you很高兴见到你。

follow me ,please.请跟我来good luck祝您好运just a moment ,please请稍等welcome to enhance anting golf club欢迎来到颖奕安亭高尔夫俱乐部it’s my pleasure这是我的荣幸。

can you speak chinese?您会说中文吗?may i h**e your name please?请问您贵姓?更多精品文档。


may i help you /what can i do for you ?有什么可以为您效劳的吗?driving range is over there ,this way please .

练习场在那边,请跟我来。hi sir, would you like to practice driver or putter?先生,您想练木杆还是推杆?

what time do tee off?请问您们几点开球?

excuse me, is this your bag?打扰您了,这是您的球包吗?would you like to rent club,please?

请问您需要租杆吗?what club do you need?请问您需要什么球杆?

what size would you like to rent?您想租几码的鞋子?which is your bag?


which two bags would you like to put together?请问哪两个包要放在一起?i’m sorry to keep you waiting对不起让您久等了h**e a good game here /enjoy your golfing打球愉快。

see you later待会见see you tomorrow明天见thank you for your cooperation谢谢您的合作looking forward to serving you again希望能再次为您服务thank you谢谢you’re welcome别客气。

five-somas will not be allowed,this is club rule。请不要五人一组,这是球会的规定。it’s fine/nice day today!

i wish you do a good job。今天天气很好祝愿您今天能取得好成绩good morning /afternoon ,welcome to our golf club ,my name is xx, i’m glad to be your caddie上午好/下午好欢迎光临我叫xx很高兴为您服务。

mr xx /miss xx ,there are 13 clubs in your golf bag ,3 woods ,9 irons ,1 putter ,and xxxx先生,小姐您总共13支杆,3木,9铁,1推,还有xxwhat is your handicap?您的差点是多少?

sir, would you like to play from the blue or white tee?先生,您想在蓝色或白色发球台上发球?excuse me, would you like tee, markers, score card or pencil?

请问您需要tee ,markers,记分卡和笔吗?

would you like to drink/eat?您想喝/吃点什么?what do you think of our golf course?

您觉得我们球场怎么样?this is a par three/four/five .这是3/4/5杆洞rough on the left and water on the right左边有长草右边有水please aim to the left of the bunker请瞄沙坑左边更多精品文档。


ob on the right,water is in the middle。ob在右边中间有水塘there is water on the left of the green.果岭的右边有水障碍。

how far is it? (how far?)有多远?

about 135y to the green ,up hill ,against wind.大约135码到果岭,上坡,逆风。

carry 180y over the bunker ,ob on the right。180码过沙坑,右边有ob.

sir, from here to the bunker is one hundred and eight yards.先生,从这里到沙坑还有180码。which club would you like ,sir?


here is your wood /iron /putter.给您木杆/铁杆/推杆。

excuse me, sir .may i take back your club?先生,我能把您的球杆收回吗?

may i clean your club?先生我能帮您把杆擦一下吗?where is my ball?

我的球在哪儿?it’s on the left ,in the rough .在左边长草里。

please hit a provisional ball ,sir .先生,请打一个暂定球。

you’d better play faster, because there are so many players are waiting。


please wait a minute, some people in front.请等一会前面有人。

the pin is at the back of the green。旗杆在果岭的后面would you like me to hold the flag?您需要我拿着旗杆吗?

excuse me, please don’t put umbrella on the green.请不要把雨伞放在果岭上。sir, you h**e a call.

先生,您有一个**。we will tee off at ten.我们十点开球。

where is the driving range /restaurant/washroom?请问练习场/餐厅/洗手间在哪儿?更多精品文档。


where do you come from?您是**人?will you play tomorrow?您明天打球吗?

thank you for coming today, good bye.谢谢您的光临,再见。



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