球童服务英语 常用句

发布 2019-12-29 14:04:28 阅读 3215


常用句useful sentences



很久没见到你了。long time no see.你好!

how are you?很高兴见到您。nice to meet you.

欢迎您来我们高尔夫俱乐部。welcome to our golf club.有什么可以为您效劳的吗?

may i help you? /what can i do for you?请问您贵姓?

may i h**e your name please?打球愉快!

enjoy your golfing. /h**e a good game here.对不起让您久等了。

i’m sorry to keep you waiting.希望能再次为您服务。

looking forward to serving you again.对不起先生,我将尽快为您解决问题。

sorry sir, i’ll solve the problem for you as soonas possible.谢谢您的合作!

thank you for your cooperation.感谢您的光临。

thank you for your coming.别客气。

you’re welcome.对不起,这是我的错。i’m sorry, it is my fault.


i’m afraid that i don’t understand you. i beg your pardon, please.请冷静先生。

please calm yourself sir. /calm down, please!更多精品文档。

way the tree.

carry the it to the the wind?nice in.

follow wind.


tee bit the there.

rake the on.

against wind.


学习---好资料这是我的荣幸。it is my pleasure.


i’m afraid you h**e misunderstood what i said. perhaps i can explain it again.别担心,女士,我将按您的意思去办。

don’t worry madam; i will take care of it according to your request.为我的粗心表示深切的歉意。

i’m awfully sorry for my carelessness.



excuse me, are you going to play golf?练习场在那边,请跟我来。

driving range is over there, please go with me.

先生,今天练得还满意吗?are you happy with your performance today?

先生,您想练木杆还是推杆?hi sir, would you like to practise driver or putter?



good morning, sir/ madam, would you mind to show your expense card please?请问您们有几位下场?

could you tell me how many people in your group?请问您是会员还是嘉宾?

excuse me, are you a member or a visitor?请问您有预定吗?

h**e you made a reservation?请问您什么时候预定的?

when did you make your booking?先生,请问您们几点钟开球?what time do you tee off?给您储物柜的钥匙,35号。

here is the key to your locker no. 35.打扰您了,这是您的包吗?

excuse me, is this your bag?从一号洞/十号洞开球。

start from the first/ 10th hole please.您想租几码的鞋子。

what size would you like to rent?请问您需要租杆吗?

would you like to rent club, please?请稍等,我为您拿球包。

wait a moment please; i will take your golf bag.请问哪两个球包要放在一起?(放在车上?

)which two bags would you like to put together?更多精品文档。



excuse me, are you going to play individually or in a group?您可以在那边清洗您的鞋。

you could clean your shoes over there.您要打一场(18洞)还是半场(9洞)。would you like to play 18 holes or 9 holes?


sorry sir, i am afraid that your shoes can’t get into the fairway, would you mind change another one.对不起,您们不能共用一套球杆,我们球会规定必须每人有一套球杆才可以下场。

sorry sir, i am afraidthat two of you can’t use only one set of club together; our club prescribed each personmust h**e one set of club.


excuse me, sir. your shirt didn’t h**e the collapsible, our club prescribed that no-collapsible shirt can’t gointo the course, would you mind change it.


i h**e counted your clubs, and you h**e 14. is that right?


您好,先生,我是这儿的23号球童。hi sir, i am a caddie here, my number is 23.做您的球童我真高兴。

i am very glad to be your caddie.

先生,我们现在出发好吗?excuse me sir, shall we start now?

请您核对一下您的球杆。could you please check your clubs?

先生,您认为这个球场怎么样?well, what do you think of this course?先生,您想要哪一支杆?

which club would you like to use?这个洞的标准杆是5杆(4或3杆)。this hole is par 5 / par 4 / par 3先生,这是个不可再打球。

the ball is unplayable sir.对不起,球一下找不到了。

sorry, the ball cannot be found immediately.真棒。比标准杆少两杆。

great! you’ve got an eagle.左边有长草,右边有水池。

rough on the left and water on the right.球道向右/左转弯。dog leg right /桩在右边。

out of bound stakes on the right.中间有水塘。

water is in the middle of the fairway.更多精品文档。


the fairway is straight.多少码到沙池?

how many yards to the bunker?今天是蓝旗,洞在果岭的后面。

it’s blue flag, the hole is at the back of the green瞄沙池坑左边。

aim to the left of the bunker


there is a river on the right of the fairway.先生,请打一个暂定球。

please play a provisional ball.请您再说一遍。

i beg your pardon.


do you need any tees, markers, score cards and pencils?先生,请问您想在蓝色还是白色的发球台上发球?

would you like to play from the blue or the white tee?


would you like me to attend the flag?

请问您可以看到洞吗?can you see the hole?


it’s 180 yards from the tee to the bunker.


your ball is on the cart path on the right hand side.您的球进了长草区,请问您想再发一个吗?

your ball is in the rough, do you want to play another ball?


please walk up and then you can see the pond on the left.从这里到那一个沙池是二百八十码。it’s 280 yards from here to the bunker.


i am waiting for you on the putting green.



this hole is par 4, 365yards, on the right is water, left side is h**e a river in the middle of the fairway,from here to the river is 240yards, and you can aim at/hit towards the tree.


球童服务英语 常用句

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