
发布 2021-05-17 04:16:28 阅读 5007



1. t d 词尾t+元音开头词。

eg: the cat is happy. the hat on the table is mine.

2. 在一个词中间的“tt”要发“dd”的音,除非"tt"前面的元音发音是【】

例:better, butter, shatter, batter, mutter, mettle

例外:mattel, attest, attack(t处有重音。)

3. 词中t读成d。比如:yesterday. (s后)

4. 在一个单词的中间,“t”要发成齿龈闪音“”。举例:gated, lateral, notable, water

二、s1. 一般s结尾的单词,在句中连读时,读成z. 比如:is his was has guys buys eyes

2. 当前面是一个浊辅音节,或者是用“es”变复数的时候,“s”要发“z”的音。

举例:rides, ladies, bridges, bugs, angels, misses

例外:hats, hates

三、 “of”要发成“ov”或者“uh”

举例:game of thrones, bottle of water, cup of tea


两个辅音相同的情况下,把音稍微的拖长。(包括s, l, f, m, n, d, j, w, h, v, z)

this saturday, until later, half finished

当两个辅音相同的情况下,在两个音中间做非常短的一个停顿。(包括t, p, k, b, g, c)

wet towel, big game, gag gift, black cat

四、 the

1. the + 辅音。


the dog, the cat, the woman

2. the + 元音(长音e除外)

当“the”后面的单词开头是元音而且不是长音“e”,可以发成“the”()或者是“the” (ee)

the otter, the interesting thing, the apple

3. the + 元音(长元音e)

当“the”后面的单词开头是长元音“e”,那就要发成“the” (ee)

the election, the evil spirit, the eagle


1. “h”的省略 he –>iy], him –>im],his –>iz],her –>r]

2. 无论什么时候,当“t”或者“d”在两个辅音之间时,都要被省略。

old man ->ol' man, gold ring ->gol' ring, most famous ->mos’ famous


一、 “辅音+元音”连读。

举例:if i ; and i; how’s it ; can i :

can i h**e this? and i think you’re right. how’s it going? can a cat climb trees?


1. [t ]+j ]=t ]

want you meet you kept you

2. [d ]+jwould you could you did you

3. [s ]+ji miss you.

4. [z ]+jhow was your vacation?

元音连接。一、 “元音+元音”连读。

1. ee, ih, ay, aye, oi + 元音= 中间出现“y”的音。

当元音ee, ih, ay, aye, and oi后面紧接的单词开头是元音的时,为了让这个音节过渡得更自然平顺,就会插入“y”这个音。

he is happy = he(y)iz happy, she ate a burger = she(y)ate a burger

2. ooh, oh, ow + 元音。

当元音oh, oh, and ow 后面紧接的单词开头是元音的时候,就会在中间插入“w”方便连读。 go in = go(w)in, do it = do(w)it, you are = you(w)are, go out = go(w)out


一 48个音标。英语国际音标共48个,其中20个元音,20个辅音,3个鼻音,2个半元音,3个似拼音。元音。12个单元音。长元音 iu a 短元音 iue 8个双元音 ai i i au ei uu 辅音10对。清辅音 p t k f s ts tr t 浊辅音 b d g v z dz dr d 3...

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