
发布 2021-05-15 20:28:28 阅读 2180


1. 内容。

对话 (conversation):具有校园生活特色(校园办公室和学生服务),每篇约3分钟,每篇有5题。


2. 形式:模块(module):1 conversation + 2 lectures

1) 两个模块:听力总时间为60分钟,总题量34道,听力材料共6篇,即2篇对话,4篇讲座。

2) 三个模块:听力总时间为90分钟,总题量51道,听力材料共9篇,即3篇对话,6篇讲座。

3. 特点。

1) 先听音,后看题。

2) 题目一个一个出现。

3) 记笔记:文章的要点信息,文章开头应记主题及目的,接下来应记总论点的分支、分支定义及特点,解释程序步骤注意记先后顺序,还应记录时间、地点发生的事件,人物的身份及观点,形容词、副词的比较级或最高级,因果关系,态度及倾向性的词语。

词汇。1. 四六级词汇70%

2. 口语小词10%

3. 专业词汇20%:记声音记意思不记拼写



12小时 1天

2天4天 7天15天。





4.听一句写一句,放音不可写, 最多听5遍。




1. 自己能看懂

2. 越少完整单词拼写

3. 中英文相结合

4. 线条、图画、符号并用

5. 简练,切莫因记勿听

6. 写而有用。


1. 开头部分:对话或讲座的主题、目的

2. 总论点下的分类、分支及特点

3. 解释程序步骤,注意先后顺序

4. 重要时间、地点

5. 人物身份、观点。

6. 最高级、比较级

7. 说明多个原因、结果

8. 表达态度、倾向性。





1. 时间:

previously, formerly, initially, now, presently, then, subsequently, next, finally, ultimately, immediately

2. 举例:

for example, for instance, such as, in this/another case, in this situation, on this occasion, take the case of, to demonstrate, to illustrate, as an illustration

3. 列举:

first(ly), second, third, last/ finally

one, another

4. 补充:and, as well as

also, too, in addition

further, furthermore

5. 比较:

like, likewise, as, both, similarly, at the same time, in comparison

6. 转折:

on the other hand, in contrast, on the contrary

but, however, yet, nevertheless, instead, rather, whereas

7. 强调:

definitely, extremely, especially, obviously, absolutely, positively, surprisingly, emphatically

8. 因果:

because, since

for this reason, hence, resulting, as a result, so, then, thus, therefore, consequently

9. 定义:

define, is defined as, known as, that is, the term means, we mean, we can state, we refer to

10. 总结:

in short, in brief, in the end, in summary, in conclusion, to conclude, to reiterate, to sum up, finally, therefore, as already stated


1. 数学符号

+ 比较级:more

++ 最高级:best, most

﹥多于:bigger, larger, greater, more than

高:superior to, surpass


低:inferior to

= 同等: means, that is to say, in other words, the same as, be equal to

≠ 不同: be different from

√ 好:right/good, famous/well-known

× 错误、失误和坏:wrong/incorrect, something bad, notorious, negative

~ 大约:about/around,or so, approximately

∈ 属于:belong to, be part of, fall into, pertain to, remain with, reside

∵ 原因 due to, because, because of

∴ 结果 consequently, therefore, thus

2. 标点及其它: 说话,观点: say, speak, think, believe

? 问题: question, issue, problem

( )在。之间: among, within

* 重要的: important, best, outstanding, brilliant

∧ 转折: but, however, yet, in fact, actually, while, nevertheless

& 和,与: and, together with, along with, accompany

↑ 上升、增加: ascend, climb, go up, mount up, move up, raise, rise, soar

↓ 下降、减少: descend, drop, fall, go or come down, decline

2 million y 1930

结论,导致: bring on, conduce, induce, lead, make for, result in


so; see; say; you know what; guess what; tell you what

might; just; (maybe) you should

why don’t you

you’d better; you are better off doing sth.

h**e you tried…; what about

i wish they could

if i were you, i would






第一先按ok键再按next键第二是遇到lecture这样的文章,文章中除了有表示文章题材的词,还要注意屏幕上更换的**。 第三是做笔记,切莫因记误听,要听为主,记为辅。 第四是快,不要在不确定的题目上浪费时间。


托福听力考察三大能力 1. basic comprehension 1). gist 2). detail 听到什么就选什么50送分题。

2. pragmatic understanding 1). function 2).

stance 听到什么不选什么25得分题 3. connecting information 1). organization 2).

relationships 结构最重要25失分题。

一、主旨题 1. 内容主旨:对话或讲座的主旨大意 what are the speakers mainly talking about/discussing?

what is the topic/subject/main idea of the passage/lecture? 2. 目的主旨:

对话或讲座的目的 why does the student visit the professor/registrar's office? why did the professor ask to see the student? why does the professor explain x?


听力技巧。一。听力内容分类。1.conversation 1 office办公室 a.作业内容。b.内容。c.课堂内容。d.实地考察。e.实验室。2 student service学生服务 a.课程事务。b.登记注册。c.图书馆。d.公告栏。e.食堂。f.转学。g.打工。h.游玩。2.lecture...

托福听力 托福听力文章特点的解析

很多学生做托福听力的时候可能都有过这样的疑惑 为何所有的内容都能听懂,在考试的时候,托福听力却无法取得高分?导致这一现象的因素有很多,比如不熟悉各类题型的解题方法,笔记记录出现问题等等。除此以外,还有一个很可能的原因,就是不熟悉托福听力文章的特点,无法从全局上把握文章内容和脉络,导致思路不清晰 理解...


新版托福听力题型 托福听力题型介绍。新版托福听力题型。1.新托福听力题型形式 有两种形式。a.2 3个对话,每段对话后将有5个问题。在对话中,第一个场景发生在学校办公室里,对话可能涉及学术内容或者与课程要求有关。第二个场景是关于学生服务的对话,对话一般发生在大学校园中,包括非学术性的内容。b.4 6...