
发布 2021-05-15 10:42:28 阅读 4624


例如:a house was broken into between midnight and 5am.在午夜到早上5点这段时间,有人闯入一家房子。

the robbers broke into his home and robbed him of many possessions.强盗们闯进他的家中,抢走了许多财物。

但它还有一个意思,就是突然开始……"即to suddenly start to do sth."。

例如:the audience broke into cheers as the band came on stage.当这支乐队一出场,观众就报以热烈的掌声。

而"break in"的另外一个意思是打断(话);插嘴。

例如:don't break in when he is telling the story.他讲故事的时候,别打断他there's no doubt about it," he broke in.

"那是毫无疑问的,他插嘴说。excuse me for breaking in on your conversation.请原谅我打断了你们的谈话。

burn out与burn up这两个词组都是动副型动词,在表示烧光,烧尽时,可通用。例如:the big fire burned out (up) two tall buildings.

这场大火把两座高楼烧掉了。burn out主要指灯泡,设备等烧坏;它还可以表示放火将……赶出。例如:

any electric light bulb will eventually burn out.任何灯炮最后总会烧坏。i turn on a switch but the light had burnt out.

我打开电源,但电灯已经烧坏了。hundreds of families h**e been burnt out of their homes.有人放火使数百人无家可归。

高中英语词语辨析 二

1.according as 根据,随 而定 后接从句 如 everyone contributes a高考资源网ccording as he is able.每个人根据自己的能力作出贡献。you will be praised or blamed according as your work is...

高中英语词语辨析 六

worth,worthy,worthwhil高考资源网e 这三个词均可表示 值得的 由于它们词形相近,意义相似,所以许多同学经常将其用混。本文拟以它们作一比较和区分,供同学们参考。一 从句法功能上看w w w k s 5 u c o m worth 通常只用作表语,不用于名词前作定语 worthy ...


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