英语词汇记忆法 版03 02 23讲解

发布 2021-05-14 22:35:28 阅读 7309



何伟 编著并主讲。

1. 目标:熟悉和掌握: (没有语法人们表达的东西很少,但是如果没有词汇就什么都表达不了。”)

a: 英语六级大纲词汇中的1340个词汇; toefl:8000-15000 gre:10000-30000

b: 英语中的200多个基本词根及词汇记忆法(立体记忆法)

c: 在4000四级词汇的基础上力争把词汇量扩展到6500-7000


a.词根、词源法: 约占75% —85%

b.拟音、同音、近音联想法 5%



word list 1.



cess- (走);mod-(模式,方式);dict-(说);her-(粘,连);


abnormal a.不正常的,反常的;**的 bt,分析 > ab-: away + norm:标准 +-al )

同源词:normal a. normalize,

normal school),abnormally

enormous a. abnormality ne-:out > ex-

abolish vt.废除,废止 (~a law, ~sl**ery)

分析 > ab-:away + oli- =ali-: to nourish,grow, feed)

(记忆口诀:not to feed (so as to let it die)

n.青少年时期 growing,

adolescence > adult > old ad-= to,

abolition n.

abolitionist n. 废除主义者。

alumni association, alumnae,

alma mater,

abortion n.流产;堕胎 (forced abortion)

分析 > ab-:away, not + ori-: to rise, east, sun + tion)


aborted (plan) coup,

origin n. gen-:

originate v. originative,

read english novels in original

orient n/v. 东方 (the o~),定…方向

(quality-oriented education, money-~ed enterprise) sex orientation, homosexual, gay, lesbian,

occident n.西方 (the occident)

cid- =cad- =fall, accident,

incident, coincidence,new oriental,

aborted a.流产的;(计划等)中途失败的

an aborted plan

abrupt a.突然的;鲁莽的。

分析 > ab-:away + rupt-: break)

abruptly ad.突然地;鲁莽地。

erupt v. break out, e-:out, ex-

corrupt a./v.腐败的,使堕落。

totally broken,

(cor-:con-,com-: with, together) anti-corruption campaign,

corruption n.

interrupt v.打断 inter-: into, between,

break into


disrupt vt.

absurd a.荒谬的;可笑的;

absurdity > ridiculous

how absurd you are!

abundance n.丰富;大量 > scarcity,rareness)

分析 > ab-:away + unda-:water, w**e + ance)


abundant a.丰富的,充足的 (rich, plenty)

undulate v.波动;

inundate v. 泛滥;淹没 into + unda- +ate

redundant a.多余的,过剩的; redundance a.

re-: again, back

accessory n.附件;妇女饰品; **,从犯。

分析 > ac-:to, toward + cess-: go + ory)

access, go to…

gain access to…

in)accessible a. (不)可以接近的。

stern, ible- =able,

can only be accessible by means of boat,

concede v.

concession, con- +cess-:

success, successor, predecessor n. suc-= sub-: under

process, procedure,

ancestor n.祖先; anti-: before, ancient,

precedent n.先例 (president) sid-: sit,

unprecedented a.,

accommodate vt. 能容纳; 提供…膳宿;使适应;给…方便,通融。

分析 > ac-:to + com-:together + mod-:mode, manner + ate)


accommodation n.

mode, model,

im)moderate, gang of four, gangster,moderate statesman, >radical a. modern, modest,modify, gm food -fy vt.

genetically modified food.

modem n.调制解调器

this classroom can accommodate 300 people./

/accommodate oneself to…/ including accommodation, 6000

acquaint vt.使认识(+with);使熟悉(with)

acquaint oneself with,

acquaintance > nodding ~ 点头之交。

auld lang sign” =old long time

should auld acquaintance be forgot

and never brought to mind.

addict vt./n.使成瘾;使沉溺 ( to…)

分析 > ad-:to + dict-: to say)


> diction n.措词;

walking dictionary, addictive a.上瘾的。

be addicted to drug (computer games),

narcotics, narcissus, f1, helen,

cocaine, heroine hero,

contradict v. counter

contradiction n.矛盾。

predict v. predictor, predictable a. prophet, mohumed,

dictate v.

dictation n. dictator n.

proletariat dictatorship,

adhere v.粘附;坚持(+to)

分析 > ad-:toward + her-, hesi-: to attach, cling to系,粘) ac-:

in) coherent a.连贯的;协调的;(话语等)条理清楚的, co-: con-, com-

to speak incoherently,

in)coherence n.

cohesion n.凝聚力 (national ~)

her- =hesi-:

hesitate v. hesitant a.踌躇的。

if you h**e any question, please do not feel hesitant to ask me.

inherent a. in = inner,

inherent virtue, inherent beauty,

be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth,

in-born a. innate a.

nat-: nature, native, naked, 光胴胴。

literal a.


作者 吴荣君。中国校外教育 综合 上旬 2012年第03期。词汇是语言的基础,中学生在词汇学习中往往会遇到单词难记的问题。为了提高学生记忆单词的效率,扩大词汇量,从不同的角度介绍了几种单词记忆的方法。有综合记忆法,规则记忆法,构词记忆法,对比记忆法,分类记忆法,联想记忆法等。英语词汇单词记忆效率单词...


1 拼合联想记忆法。拼合联想记忆法就是通过拼凑合成的办法将词形与词义进行联想记忆的方法。又分为 单词 单词 单词 字母 单词 单词两种。1 单词 单词 单词。相信同学们除了乐于记音译词外,对合成词也是 情有独钟 合成词正是这一形式的典型代表,比如 classroom,bedroom,blackboa...


1 拼合联想记忆法。拼合联想记忆法就是通过拼凑合成的办法将词形与词义进行联想记忆的方法。又分为 单词 单词 单词 字母 单词 单词两种。1 单词 单词 单词。相信同学们除了乐于记音译词外,对合成词也是 情有独钟 合成词正是这一形式的典型代表,比如 classroom,bedroom,blackboa...